EPF Claims can be Settled Without Seeding Aadhaar for these Members

EPF Claims can be Settled Without Seeding Aadhaar for these Members

EPFO clarified that members exempt from Aadhaar seeding can use alternative valid ID proofs for final settlement processing. These alternative documents will be verified for authenticity.

According to the EPFO circular, “Accordingly, the following classes of members are identified for exemption from the operation of the instructions of the above Circular to ensure that the dues in respect of such genuine members are paid promptly."

  1. International Workers(IW) who have already left India after completion of their assignments but without obtaining Aadhaar.
  2. Indian Worker who had permanently migrated to a foreign country & subsequently obtained citizenship without having Aadhaar
  3. Citizens of Nepal and subjects of Bhutan who fall within the definition of employee and work for and are on the rolls of an establishment covered under the EPF&MP Act but do not reside in India and consequently do not possess Aadhaar.”
  4. NRI - Non Residence Indian
