One Rank One Pension (OROP)

 One Rank One Pension (OROP) is a long-standing demand by Indian military personnel, particularly veterans, for equitable pension benefits. The key demands of OROP are:

  1. Equal Pension for Same Rank and Service Length:

    • The central demand of OROP is that military personnel of the same rank and with the same length of service should receive the same pension, regardless of their retirement date. Previously, those who retired earlier received lower pensions compared to those who retired later, due to wage revisions.
  2. Automatic Revision of Pension:

    • Veterans want an automatic revision of pensions in line with every pay commission or salary adjustments, ensuring that pensioners receive the same benefits as those currently serving. This would eliminate discrepancies between retirees of different eras.
  3. No Discrimination Based on Retirement Date:

    • Under the current system, pensions can vary significantly depending on when a soldier retires. The demand is to abolish these disparities, ensuring that pensions are adjusted uniformly across all generations of veterans.
  4. Periodic Pension Reviews:

    • Veterans want periodic reviews (every 5 years) of pensions to be conducted, ensuring that no veteran is left behind in terms of benefits due to changes in living costs, inflation, or pay commission revisions.
  5. Inclusion of All Personnel:

    • Another demand is that OROP benefits should apply to all military personnel, including officers and soldiers, regardless of rank, ensuring equity throughout the ranks.

Government’s Response and Implementation:

The government approved the OROP scheme in 2015, promising that the pensions of veterans would be revised every five years. However, there have been ongoing protests, as many veterans argue that the current implementation does not fully meet their demands, particularly regarding the periodic revision and the extent of retroactive benefits.

OROP remains a contentious issue, with periodic discussions and protests by veterans to further refine and address discrepancies in its implementation​
