Gurugram - POSH Annual Return

Gurugram - POSH Annual Return

Deputy Commissioner
Cum-District Officer
SHWW Act, 2013,

All Govt. & Non. Government Organisation
(Industries, Schools, Banks, Hospitalsetc),
No. 21 Dated 12 - -202)
Subject Regarding submission of Annual Report under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal)Act 2013 for every year.

It is to inform you that as per decision of the District Officer, SHWW Act, 2013, Gurugram every Govt. & Non-Govt. organisationhas to submit their annual report as per calendar about cases of harassmentin the workplace, in compliancewith the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibitionand Redressal)Act, 2013 by April 30" of every year.
It is also intimatedthat a penalty of Rs. 50,000 on every employer will be levied, who fail to submit the annual report timely. In case of non-compliance, Strict action shall be initiated against your organisationas per SHWW Act, 2013.

Deputy Commissioner Cum- Djstrict Officer
SHWW Act, 2013,
Addl. Deputy Commissioner
Cum-District Officer
SHWW Act, 2013,

All Govt. & Non. Government Organisation
(Industries, Schools, Banks, Hospitalsetc),
No. 12 Dated 8 ol2 1

Subject: Regarding submission of Annual Report under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.

You are hereby directed to submit the annual report (from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 under SHWW Act, 2013) of your organizationby 30" April 2022 to the undersigned. All organizations have to submit annual report through Goolge Form (link shared via email).

Addl. D&K Commissioner
Cum- District Officer
SHWW Act, 2013,
