Report on New Wage Rate Index (WRI) Series 2016
The Labour ministry has released the new series of wage rate index (WRI) with the base year being 2016, which will replace the old series with base of 1963-65. The government periodically revises the base year of WRI for key economic indicators in order to provide a clear picture of economic changes and record the wage pattern of workers. This revised base will be more representative and play a critical role in determining the minimum wages and national floor wages along with other parameters.
The new series of WRI with base 2016=100 will replace the old series with base 1963-65.
Key facts:
- A total of 37 industries have been covered in the new WRI basket (2016=100) as against 21 industries in the 1963-65=100 series.
- The New WRI Series with base 2016=100 would be compiled twice a year on a point-to-point half-yearly basis, as on 1st January and 1st July of every year.
Download - Wage Rate Index
“The new series on WRI has been compiled on half-year basis as against the annual in the existing series. The new WRI series would be point-to-point, half-yearly, with reference date as January 1 and July 1 of every year.”-- Bhupender Yadav, Labour Minister
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