The Ammonium Nitrate (Amendment) Rules, 2021
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry on August 31, 2021 has issued Notification No- G.S.R. 608(E) - The Ammonium Nitrate (Amendment) Rules, 2021 to further amend the Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012.
Key Highlights
- Rule 2 which specifies “Definition”, the following changes has been made: -
- Inserted Rule 12(1a) -
- Inserted Rule 12(6A)
- Inserted In Rule 50(1)(d) -
Inserted - Rule 2(o)(v) which specifies “Government organisation or Central or State Public Sector Undertaking, any officer nominated in writing by that organisation or undertaking”
Omitted - Rule 2(s) which specifies “stevedore”
“The licensee for a store house shall provide a shelter for the security guard(s) on duty near the storehouse at a suitable location not less than thirty meters away from the store house except for store-house attached to manufacturing plants”
“on and from the commencement of the Ammonium Nitrate (Amendment) Rules, 2021, all flooring in ammonium nitrate storage and handling area shall be without open drains, traps, pits or pocket into which any molten ammonium nitrate is able to flow and be confined in the event of fire and the Ammonium Nitrate storage sheds licensed prior to publication of Ammonium Nitrate (Amendment) Rules, 2021shall adopt the same within one year from the date of publication of that Rules.”
“Notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-rule, the Executive Magistrates or Police Officers authorised in the table shall carry out inspection of the licensed premises located within their jurisdiction once in six months in order to ascertain if there has been any violation of the Act or the rules thereof”
The Ammonium Nitrate (Amendment) Rules, 2021