Documents List for Consent to Establish

Documents List for Consent to Establish


a) Category – A
1. Consent to establish application in prescribed format.
2. Adequate fees prescribed for obtaining consent to establish. 
3. Land schedule of the site with supportive documents like Registration / lease / sale deed etc.
4. Detail project report (DPR) indicating the following :

i) The capital investment, capital investment in pollution control measures.
ii) Land use breakup.
iii) Detailed manufacturing process.
iv) Process flow chart.
v) Air pollution control equipment.
vi) ETP details and solid waste management.
vii) Detailed water balance (both monsoon & non-monsoon) incorporating water consumption.
viii) Waste water generation from each source, treatment, re-use and quantity to be discharged with discharge point.

5. Vicinity map indicating distance from the following :

i) Local body boundary.
ii) Water source
iii) Monument
iv) Forest
v) Educational institution
vi) Hospital
vii) Human habitation
viii) NH / SH/other road
ix) Nallah / river / receiving water body etc. with details about present land use and topography (1 km radius for SSI units and 10 km radius for medium and large scale industries).

6. Plant layout map* of appropriate scale superimposed with revenue map of area clearly showing the following :

i) Location of existing plant activities (if any),
ii) Proposed plant activities
iii) Green belt area
iv) Stacks (Chimney),
v) Raw Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) and water storage facilities,
vi) Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP),
vii) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP),
viii) Effluent discharge points,
ix) Air pollution control devices,
x) Solid waste disposal area,
xi) Hazardous waste treatment & disposal areas and
xii) Colony

*a) 8 copies for industrial project having investment ` 50 crores or above.
b) Single copy for other industrial project having investment upto ` 50 crores.

7. EIA/EMP report prepared as per TOR (if proposal requires environmental clearance as per EIA notification, 2006 of MoEF, Govt. of India).
8. Copy of approved mining plan from IBM/ Ministry of Coal as the case may be. (for mining project only).
9. Copy of mining lease (for mining project only).
10. Copy of environmental clearance (if applicable) for only the project located within critically polluted area.

B. Category – B

1. Consent to establish application in prescribed format.
2. Adequate fees prescribed for obtaining consent to establish. 
3. Land document like registration/lease/rent deed
4. No Objection Certificate from local authorities. However, permission from local authority is not required for the following cases.

i. Projects which requires Environmental Clearance from Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India and Public Hearing.
ii. Proposal received from existing units for expansion.
iii. Project proposed to be located in approved industrial estate.

5. Detail project report (DPR) indicating the following :

i) Capital investment, capital investment in pollution control measures,
ii) Land use breakup,
iii) Detailed manufacturing process,
iv) Process flow chart, air pollution control equipment,
v) ETP details and solid waste management,
vi) Detail water balance (both monsoon & non-monsoon) incorporating water consumption,
vii) Waste water generation from each source, treatment, re-use and quantity to be discharged with discharge point.

6. Lay out map of factory, building along with list of pollution control / monitoring equipment, showing the following :

i) Location of stacks (chimney)
ii) Effluent treatment plant,
iii) Effluent disposal area
iv) Air pollution control devices,
v) Hazardous waste treatment and disposal area.

C. Category – C
  1. Consent to establish application in prescribed format.
  2. Adequate fees prescribed for obtaining consent to establish. 3. Project report
  3. Land document
  4. Permission from local authority


  1. Adequate one time consent to establish fees as per present fees structure of the Board for the proposal.
  2. Supportive documents w.r.t present project cost.
  3. Signed copy of self-certification / declaration form indicating that the project capacity and configuration has not changed with respect to the original application.

Consent to Establish

Under the provisions of The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974,The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981, an entrepreneur running or establishing any industry or process, and discharging effluent/emitting pollutants into any water resources or on land/air and polluting thereby the environmental water/air is required to obtain consent, which needs to obtained in two phases;

  1. Consent to Establish: This consent is to be obtained prior to establishing any industry or process.
  2. Consent to Operate: Once the industry or process plant is established along the required pollution control systems, the entrepreneur is required to obtain consent to operate the unit. This consent is given for a particular period, which needs to be renewed regularly.
