The Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules 2011
No. FCS 303 EBT 2010 Bangalore, Dated: 25.03.2011
1. Short title and commencement.-(1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011.
(2) They shall come into force from 1st of April 2011.
2. Definitions. –
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Act” means the Legal Metrology Act, 2009.
(b) “Schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules:
(c) “Form” means form appended to this rules.
(d) “Section” means section of the Act.
(2) Words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Licencing of manufacturer, repairer and dealer of Weights and Measures.–
(1) Every person who requires for manufacturer licence or repairer licence or dealer licence in, weight or measure shall make an application for the issue of a licence to the Controller of legal metrology or such other officer as may be authorized by him in this behalf in the form set out in Schedule I.
Provided that no licence to repair shall be required by a manufacturer to repair weight or measure manufactured by him and used in a state other than the state of manufacture of the same, but the manufacturer has to inform in advance the concerned legal metrology officer about the repairing.
(2) Every manufacturer or repairer or dealer in weight or measure shall make an application for the renewal of a licence within thirty days before the expiry of validity of the licence to the Controller of legal metrology or such other officer as may be authorized by him in this behalf, in the form set out in Schedule II
(3) Every licence issued to a manufacturer, repairer or dealer shall be in the form set out in Schedule III.
(4) Every licence issued to a manufacturer, repairer, or dealer shall be valid for a period of one calendar year and may be renewed for another period of every one calendar year, by the Controller or such other officer as may be authorized by him in this behalf on payment of fee as specified in the Schedule IV.
(5) The fee payable for the alteration of a licence or for the issue of a duplicate licence shall be one half of the licence fee as specified in Schedule IV.
Provided that an additional fee at full the rates specified in Schedule IV shall be payable by the applicant, if he is permitted by the Controller to make an application for the renewal of a licence within a period of one month from the date of expiry of validity of the licence.
(6) The Controller or such other officer as may be authorized by him in this behalf shall maintain a register of licenced manufacturers, dealers and repairers in the form set out in Schedule V.
(7) Every manufacturer / repairer / dealer licenced under the Act and these rules shall maintain such workshop / equipments / tools/ registers etc. as the case may be, as per the terms and conditions of the licence.
(8) Every repairer licenced under the Act and these rules shall furnish a security deposit for each licence to the State Government as specified in Schedule VI.
(9) Every licence issued or renewed under the Act shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the premises where the licencee carries on business.
(10) Every licencee whose licence has been cancelled shall, after such cancellation, surrender such licence to the authority by which such licence was issued.
(11) Every licencee whose licence has been cancelled shall, within a period of thirty days from the date of such cancellation, or within such further period, not exceeding three months from such date, as the Controller or such other officer authorized by him in this behalf may, on sufficient cause being shown, allow to dispose of the weights or measures which were in his possession, custody or control on the date of such cancellation and in the event of his failure to do so, the Controller or any other officer authorized by him, in writing, in this behalf, may seize and dispose of the same and distribute the proceeds thereof as may be specified by the Controller of Legal Metrology.
(12) Every manufacturer or repairer or dealer in weight or measure licenced under the Act and rules shall maintain records and registers in the form set out in Schedule VII and also submit such periodical report / returns as may be specified by the Controller or such other officer authorized by him in this behalf as the case may be.
4. Verification and inspection of weights or measures.–
(1) Every person using any weight or measure in any transaction or for protection shall present such weight or measure for verification / re-verification, at the concerned office of the Legal Metrology Officer or at such other place with in the jurisdiction as the Legal Metrology Officer may specify in this behalf on or before the date on which the verification falls due:
Provided that where any weight or measure is such that, it cannot be moved from its location, the person using such weight or measure shall report to the Legal Metrology Officer at least thirty days in advance of the date on which the verification falls due.
(2) Where any weight or measure is such that it cannot be moved from it’s location, Legal Metrology Officer shall take necessary steps for the verification of such weight or measure at the place of its location.
(3) For the verification of weight or measure referred to in sub-rule (2) the user shall provide such facilities as may be specified by the Controller by general or special order.
(4) Every weight or measure presented for verification shall be complete in specifications as laid down under rule 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011.
(5) Every weight or measure shall be verified in a clean condition, and if necessary, the Legal Metrology Officer shall require the owner or user to make necessary arrangement for the purpose.
(6) A Legal Metrology Officer may visit, as frequently as possible during the period specified in rule 27 of Legal Metrology (General) rules 2011, every premise within the local limits of his jurisdiction to inspect and test any weight or measure which is being or is intended or likely to be used in any transaction or for protection.
(7) The legal metrology officer shall obliterate the stamp on any weight or measure, if it is found during inspection that:-
(a) any weight or measure which being due for re-verification has not been submitted for such re-verification or
(b) any weight or measure which does not conform to the Standards established by or under the Act.
Provided that where the legal metrology officer is of opinion that the defect or error in such weight or measure is not such as to require immediate obliteration of the stamp, he shall inform the user in the form specified in Schedule XI by the Controller, of the defect or error found in the weight or measure and call upon the user to remove the defect or error within such time, not exceeding eight days and shall
(i) if user fails to remove the defect or error within that period, obliterate the stamp, or
(ii) if the defect or error is so removed as to make the weight or measure conform to the standards established by or under the Act, verify and stamp such weight or measure.
Explanation: The obliteration of the stamp on any weight or measure shall not take, away or abridge the power of the legal metrology officer to seize such weight or measure in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
(8) (a) The Legal Metrology Officer shall stamp every weight or measure, if after testing with duly verified stamped working standards and it’s verification, he is satisfied that such weight or measure conforms to the standards established by or under the Act, with a stamp of uniform design, issued by the Controller, which shall indicate the number allotted for administrative purpose to the Legal Metrology Officer by whom it is stamped.
Provided that if by reason of the size or nature of any weight or measure, it is not desirable or practicable to put a stamp thereon, the Legal Metrology Officer shall take such action as may be directed by the controller by a general or a special order in writing.
(b) The Legal Metrology Officer shall also mark the year and its quarter of stamping on every verified weight or measure except when the size or nature of such weight or measure makes it impracticable.
Explanation.– A year shall be deemed to consist of four quarters of which first quarter shall be of the months of January, February and March which shall be marked as “A” second quarter shall be of the months of April, May and June which shall be marked as “B” third quarter shall be of the months of July, August and September which shall be marked as “C” and fourth quarter shall be of the months of October, November and December which shall be marked as “D”.
(c) On completion of verification and stamping the Legal Metrology Officer shall issue a certificate of verification in the form set out in Schedule VIII.
d) Where a certificate of verification is lost or destroyed, the holder of the certificate of verification shall forthwith apply to the Legal Metrology Officer who had issued the certificate, for the issue of a duplicate certificate, of verification. Every such application for the issue of a duplicate certificate shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees ten as specified in Schedule VIII(A).
(e) On receipt of an application under clause (d) of sub-rule (8), the Legal Metrology Officer shall issue to the applicant a duplicate copy of the certificate of verification marked ‘DUPLICATE’.
(9) (a) Fees payable for verification and stamping of weight or measure at the office or camp office of the Legal Metrology Officer shall be as specified in Schedule IX. But the maximum fees shall not exceed Rs.5,000/- as specified under Schedule XII of rule 25 of Legal Metrology (General) Rules 2011.
(b) If, at the request of the user of weight or measure, verification is done at any premises other than the office or camp office of the Legal Metrology Officer, the user of the weight or measure shall pay the expenses incurred by the Legal Metrology Officer for visiting the premises including the cost of transporting and handling the Working Standard and other equipment subject to a minimum of rupees one hundred or actuals.
(c) Full fee shall be payable for re-stamping any weight or measure held in stock with manufacturer or dealer within the period specified, in rule 27 of Legal Metrology (General) Rules 2011 from the date on which it was last stamped, provided that the original stamp was not obliterated
(d) A weight or measure which on verification/inspection is found to be incorrect shall be returned to the person concerned for adjustment informing him, in a proforma specified by the Controller, of the defects found in the weight or measure, and calling upon him to remove the defects within a period not exceeding seven days. When the necessary adjustment has been carried out, such weight or measure shall be verified on payment of the fees specified in schedule IX and if found correct shall be stamped.
10(a) Before commencing the work of verification or re-verification, the Legal Metrology Officer shall inform the person concerned of the fees payable by him and shall receive the same in the manner as authorized by the controller and issue a receipt in the form approved by the Controller, one copy of such receipt being kept on record.
Provided that, fees payable by a department of the Central or State Government under these rules may be realized in such manner as may be directed by the Controller.
(b) The Legal Metrology Officer shall maintain a register, in the form approved by the Controller, which shall be written up from day-to-day and shall show the amount of fees and other charges collected during the day.
(c) All payment received by the Legal Metrology Officer during the week shall be paid into the Government Treasury under the appropriate “Head of Account” on such dates or days as may be specified by the Controller from time to time, and a receipt thereof be obtained and an intimation to that effect be sent to the Controller or other officer authorized by him in this behalf.
(11) Where a verified weight or measure has been repaired, whether by a licenced repairer or by the person owning and possessing the same, such weight or measure shall not be put into use unless it has been duly re-verified and stamped, notwithstanding that periodical re-verification of such weight or measure has not become due.
12(a) Every person using a beam scale in any transactions in his premises shall suspend the same to a stand or to a chain by a hook:
Provided that, this sub-rule shall not apply to itinerant vendors.
(b) Every weight or measure shall be used in a clean condition and in proper lighting arrangement
(c) Any weight or measure, which has been verified and stamped in situ, shall not be dismantled and removed from its original site without prior intimation to the Controller or other person authorized by him in this behalf.
(d) To ensure a proper check of the accuracy of a weighing instrument the user shall keep at the site of each weighing instrument duly verified and stamped weights equal to one-tenth of the capacity of the instrument or one tonne whichever is less and consumer can also check the accuracy of the weighing instrument.
Provided that the Controller may specify the total number of verified and stamped weights to be maintained in trade premises where the number of weighing instruments are more than one.
(e) To ensure proper delivery of the petrol / diesel pumps, the retail dealer of the pump shall keep a verified 5 litre/10litre capacity measure in his premises and check the out put from the pump every day to ensure its correct delivery. In case of any short delivery the dealer shall stop the delivery through the pump immediately and inform the legal metrology officer concerned to recalibrate the pump and “shall display the board in the premises with the following words “to ensure the correct delivery a verified five litre measure is available to consumers”.
(13) The person to whom a certificate of verification is issued shall exhibit the same in a conspicuous place in the premises where the weights, measures or weighing or measuring instruments to which the certificate relates are used:
Provided that in the case of itinerant vendor, the certificate shall be kept with the person.
Provided further that in the case of vehicle tank, the certificate of verification shall be kept with the vehicle.
5. Disposal of seized weights, measures, etc. -
(1) Any un-verified weight or measure shall be returned to the person from whom such weight or measure was seized if that person gets the same verified and stamped, within fifteen days of the return, on payment of the fee payable for undertaking re-verification, after the expiry of the validity of the stamp.
(2) Any weight or measure or document or thing or goods seized and detained under sections 15 of the Act, which is to be the subject of proceedings in a court shall be produced before the court by the legal metrology officer, he shall after the conclusion of the proceedings, be taken possession of by the legal metrology officer and dealt with in accordance with the orders of the court:
Provided that in the absence of the orders of the court, weight or measure or document or thing or goods shall be deal with as the controller may by special order direct and the material thereof shall be sold and the proceeds thereof shall be credited to the Government.
(3) If any goods seized under sections 15 of the Act, are subject to speedy or natural decay, the legal metrology officer shall have the goods weighed or measured on a verified weighing or measuring instrument available with him or nearest the place of offence and enter the actual weight or measure of the goods in a form specified by the controller for this purposes, and shall obtain the signature of the trader or his agent or such other person who has committed the offence. The goods in question shall be returned to the trader or the purchaser as the case may be:
Provided that if the trader or his agent or the other person (who has committed the offence) refuses to sign the form, the legal metrology officer shall obtain the signature of not less than two persons present at the time of such refusal by the trader or his agent or other person. In the case of goods returned to the traders he shall give an undertaking that he shall not sell the defective goods without rectifying the defects thereon.
(4) Where the goods seized under sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Act are contained in a package and the package is false or does not conform to the provisions of the Act or any rules made there under and the goods in such package are subject to speedy or natural decay, the legal metrology officer may dispose of the goods in such package in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (3) above.
Provided that the Legal Metrology Officer shall be the final authority to decide whether the goods seized and detained are subject to speedy or natural decay.
(5) Where the goods seized under sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Act are not subject to speedy or natural decay, the legal metrology officer may retain the package for the purpose of prosecution under this Act after giving the trader or his agent or the other person (who has committed the offence) a notice of such seizure.
(6) The goods referred under sub-rule (4) and (5) which are not to be the subject of proceedings in a court, shall after the expiry of sixty days of its seizure, be so dealt with as the Controller may by special order direct.
6. Penalty for contravention of rules.– Whoever contravenes any provision of these rules, for the contravention of which no punishment has been separately provided in the Act, shall be punished with fine, which may extend to five thousand rupees.
7. Fee for compounding of offences.- The fee for compounding of offences Committed under the Act or under these rules shall be, as specified in Schedule X.
8. Repeal and Savings:- The Karnataka standards of weights and measures (Enforcement) Rules 1988 are hereby repealed.
Provided that such repeal shall not affect,-
(a) the previous operation of the said rules or anything duly done or any action taken there under or
(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the said rules.
Under Secretary to Government
Food, Civil Supplies and
Consumer Affairs Department
[Application form for licence as manufacturer of weights & measures under the Legal Metrology Act 2009]
To be filled by the Comments of the Applicant inspection officer
(1) (2) (3)
1. Name of the manufacturing concern for which licence ............................................ is desired.
2. Complete address of the concern. Whether premises ............................................ are owned/rented/taken on lease/leave licence, duly
supported by documents.
3. Date of Establishment of workshop/factory. ..........................................
4. Name (s) and address (s) along with their father's/ .......................................... husband's name of proprietor (s) and/or Partners and
Managing Director (s) in the case of Limited company
5. The date and current registration number of factory/ ........................................... shop/ establishment/ Municipal Trade licence.
6. Nature of manufacturing activities at present. ..........................................
7. The type of weights and measures proposed to be ......................................... manufactured viz :
(i) Weights
(ii) Measures
(iii) Weighing Instruments
(iv) Measuring Instruments with details in each case.
8. The number of persons employed/proposed to be employed ...........................................
(i) Skilled
(ii) Semi-skilled
(iii) Unskilled
(iv) Specialist trained in the line
9. The monogram or trade mark intended to be Imprinted ........................................... on weights and measures to be manufactured.
10. Details of machinery, tools accessories, owned and ........................................... used for manufacturing weights measures etc
11. Details of foundry/workshop facilities arranged. .......................................... Whether ownership, long term lease etc.
12. Facilities of steel casting and hardness testing of .......................................... Vital parts etc or other means.
13. Availability of electric energy. ...........................................
14. Details of loan received from Government or financial ........................................... Institution. If so, give details.
15. Name of bankers, if any. ...........................................
16. VAT/ Sales Tax Registration Number/CST Number/ ........................................... Professional Tax registration Number/IT Number.
17. Have you applied previously for a manufacturer's ........................................... licence? If so, when and with what results ?
18. (a) Whether the item (s) proposed to be ........................................... manufactured will be sold within the State or out side the state or both.
(b) Details of Model Approval received from Government of India;
(c) When can you produce for inspection samples of your products for which licence is desired ?
To be certified by the applicant (s) Certified that I/We have read the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and agree to abide by the same and also the administrative orders and instructions issued or to be issued there under.
I/We agree to deposit the Scheduled licence fees with Government as soon as required to do so by the Licencing Authority.
All the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation To be filled in by Departmental Officer of the State Government
Date of Receipt of Application :
Serial Number of application :
Date of inspection :
Recommendation of Inspecting Officer :
Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation of Inspecting Officer
Final orders of Licensing Authority
Licence granted / refused :
Licence Number :
Valid till :
Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation
[See rule 3 (1)]
Form LR – 1
[Application for licence as repairers of Weights & Measures under the Legal Metrology Act 2009]
To be filled by Comments of the the applicants inspecting officer
1 2 3
1. Name of the concern seeking the licence. .................................. 2. Complete address of the workshop. ..................................
3. (a) Whether premises are owned/rented/taken. on .................................. lease dully supported by documents.
(b) Date of establishment.
4. Name (s) and address (s) along with their father's/ .................................. husband's name of proprietor (s) and/or Partners and
Managing Director (s) in the case of Limited company.
5. Number and date of shop/establishment/current .................................. Municipal Trade Licence.
6. Professional Tax/IT Tax registration Number etc if any. .................................. 7. The type of weights and measures proposed to be repaired. .................................. 8. Area in which you wish to operate. .................................. 9. Previous experience in the line. ..................................
10. Number of skilled staff employed or proposed to be .................................. employed:
(i) Skilled
(ii) Semi-skilled
(iii) Unskilled
(iv) Employees trained in the line
11. Details of machinery/tools/accessories available. .................................. 12. Availability of electric energy. ..................................
13. Have you sufficient stock of loan/test weights. etc.? .................................. Give details.
14. Have you applied previously for a repairer's licence? .................................. If so, When and with what results?
To be certified by the applicant(s)
Certified that I/We have read the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and agree to abide by the same and also the administrative orders and instructions issued or to be issued there under.
I/We agree to deposit the Scheduled licence fees with Government as soon as required to do so by the Licensing Authority.
All the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation
To be filled in by Departmental Officer of the State Government
Date of Receipt of Application :
Serial Number of application :
Date of inspection :
Recommendation of Inspecting Officer :
Place : ...................................
Date : Signature and Designation of Inspecting Officer
Final orders of Licencing Authority
licence granted/refused :
licence Number :
Valid till :
Place : ...................................
Date :
Signature and Designation
[See rule 3 (1)]
Form LD-1
[Application Form for Licence as Dealers in Weights & Measures under the Legal Metrology Act 2009]
To be filled by Comments of the the applicants inspecting officer
1 2 3
1. Name of the establishment/shop/person seeking the .................................. licence.
2. Complete address of the establishment etc. .................................. 3. Date of establishment. ..................................
4. Name (s) and address (s) of proprietors and / or partners .................................. and Managing Director (s) in the case of Limited company.
5. Number and date of Registration Number of current .................................. shop/establishment/Municipal Trade licence.
6. Categories of weights and measures proposed .................................. to be sold.
7. Registration Number of VAT/CST/Sales Tax/Professional .................................. Tax/Income Tax.
8. Do you intend to import weights, etc. from places .................................. outside the State/Country ? If so indicate sources of
supply. (Give details of manufacturer's trade mark/
monogram and his licence number) and provide
(a) Registration of Importer of Weights and Measures, if any
(b) Approval of model imported into India by Central Government.
9. Have you applied previously for a dealer's licence, .................................. either in this State or elsewhere ? If so give details ?
To be certified by the applicant(s)
Certified that I/We have read the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and agree to abide by the same and also the administrative orders and instructions issued or to be issued there under.
I/We agree to deposit the Scheduled licence fees with Government as soon as required to do so by the Licensing Authority.
All the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation
To be filled in by Departmental Officer of the State Government
Date of Receipt of Application :
Serial Number of application :
Date of inspection :
Recommendation of Inspecting Officer :
Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation of Inspecting Officer
Final orders of Licensing Authority
licence granted/refused :
licence Number :
Valid till :
Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation
[See rule 3 (2)]
Form LM-2
[Application for renewal Licence as Manufacturer of Weights & Measures under the Legal Act 2009]
To be filled by Comments of the the applicants inspecting officer
1 2 3
1. Name and complete address of the manufacturing .................................. concern for which renewal of licence is desired.
2. Manufacturing Licence No. ..................................
3. Name (s) and address (s) along with their father's/ .................................. husband's name of proprietor (s) and/or Partners and
Managing Director (s) in the case of Limited company.
4. (a) Type of weights and measures which are .................................. manufactured as per licence granted.
(b) Do you propose any change. ..................................
5. The monogram or trade marks used on weights and .................................. measures manufactured by you.
6. Details of workshop facilities available. .................................. 7. Details of production and sales in the last one year. ..................................
8. Number and date of shop/establishment Registration .................................. Number.
9. Registration Number of VAT/Sales Tax/CST/Professional .................................. Tax/Income Tax.
To be certified by the applicant (s)
Certified that I/We have read the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and agree to abide by the same and also the administrative orders and instructions issued or to be issued there under.
I/We have deposited the Scheduled licence fees of Rs. ........................... (Rupees .......................................) to the Sub-Treasury/Bank on ...................................................... and the original challan is enclosed.
All the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation
[See rule 3 (2)]
Form LR-2
[Application for renewal Licence as repairer of Weights & Measures under the Legal Metrology Act 2009]
To be filled by Comments of the the applicants inspecting officer
1 2 3
1. Name and complete address of the repairing concern/ .................................. person seeking renewal of the licence .
2. Repairer's Licence Number. ..................................
3. Name (s) and address (s) along with their father's/ .................................. husband's name of proprietor (s) and/or Partners and
Managing Director (s) in the case of Limited company.
4. Registration Number and date of current shop/ .................................. establishment/Municipal Trade Licence.
5. Registration Number of VAT/ Sales Tax/CST/Professional .................................. Tax/Income Tax.
6. (a) The Type of weights and measures repaired .................................. as per licence granted.
(b) Do you propose any change. .................................. 7. Area in which you are operating. .................................. 8. Have you sufficient stock of loan/test weights, etc.? ..................................
9. Please give details with particulars of stamping. ..................................
To be certified by the applicant (s)
Certified that I/ We have read the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and agree to abide by the same and also the administrative orders and instructions issued or to be issued there under.
I/We have deposited the Scheduled licence fees of Rs. ........................... (Rupees .......................................) to the Sub-Treasury/ Bank on ...................................................... and the original challan is enclosed.
All the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation
[See rule 3 (2)]
Form LD-2
[Application for renewal Licence as Dealer in Weights & Measures under the Legal Metrology Act 2009]
To be filled by Comments of the the applicants inspecting officer
1 2 3
1. Name of the establishment/shop/person seeking the .................................. renewal of licence .
2. Dealer's Licence Number. .................................. 3. Date of establishment. ..................................
4. Name (s) and address (s) along with their father's/ .................................. husband's name of proprietor (s) and/or Partners and
Managing Director (s) in the case of Limited company.
5. Registration Number and date of shop/establishment/ .................................. current Municipal Trade Licence.
6. Categories of weights and measures sold at present. .................................. .
7. Registration Number of VAT/ CST/Sales Tax/Professional .................................. Tax/Income Tax.
8. Are you intending to import weights and measures etc. .................................. from places outside the State/Country? If so, indicate
sources of supply from the State (s)/Country (s).
(Give details of manufacturer's trade mark/ monogram
and his licence number.)
To be certified by the applicant (s)
Certified that I/We have the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and agree to abide by the same and also the administrative orders and instructions issued or to be issued there under.
I/We have deposited the Scheduled licence fees of Rs. …..(Rupees ...............................) to the Sub-Treasury/Bank on ...................................................... and the original challan is enclosed.
All the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. Place : ................................... Date : Signature and Designation.
[See rule 3 (3)]
Licensing Forms
Government of Karnataka
Licence to manufacture, weights, measures, weighing or measuring instruments. Licence No. ........................ Year ......................
1- The Controller of Legal metrology hereby grants to ................................................ (Name and address of party or parties) a licence to manufacture the following:-
(Include details of the weights, measures, weighing instruments or measuring instruments that are licenced to be manufactured by the party).
2- The licence is valid for the party named above in respect of his workshop located at .............. 3- This licence is valid from ........................ to ........................
4- The manufacturer shall comply with the conditions noted below. If he fails to comply with anyone of these, his licence is liable to be suspended after such enquiry and if proved is liable to be cancelled by the issuing authority.
5- The trade mark monogram being used by the manufacturer is as under.
Controller of legal Metrology
(Seal) Govt. of--------------
Date ........................
Place ........................
Note: In the case of firm, its name with the names of all persons having interest in the business should be given in paragraph 1.
1. The person in whose favour this licence is issued shall. -
(a) Comply with all the relevant provisions of the Act and Rules for the time being in force;
(b) Not encourage or countenance any infringement of the provisions of the Act. or the Rules amended from time to time;
(c) Exhibit this licence in some conspicuous part of the premises to which it relates;
(d) Comply with any general or special directions that may be given by the Controller of legal metrology;
(e) Surrender the licence in the event of closure of business and/ or cancellation of Licence;
(f) Present the weights, measures, weighing or measuring instruments as the case may be manufactured and meant for use within the State, to the legal metrology officer for verification and stamping before sale;
(g) Submit the application for renewal of this licence as required under the rules within thirty days of expiry of the validity of the licence.
2. Every condition prescribed after the issue of this licence shall if notified in the Official Gazette, be binding on the persons to whom the licence has been granted.
Renewal entries
[See rule 3 (3)]
Licencing Forms
Licence No ........................ Year ......................
1- The Controller of legal metrology hereby grants to ……………………………
(Name and address of Party or Parties) a licence to repair the following:-
(Include details of the types of weights, measures, weighing instruments or measuring instruments that are licenced to be repaired by the party)
2- The licence is valid for the party named above in respect of his workshop located at ……………. 3- This licence is valid from ……………….. to ….. ……………
4- The repairer shall comply with the conditions noted below. If he fails to comply with any one, his licence is liable to be suspended after such enquiry and if proved is liable to be cancelled by the issuing authority.
5- The party is licenced to repair weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments in the areas mentioned below –
Controller of Legal Metrology (Seal) ---------------------------
Note: In the case of firm, its name with the names of all persons having any interest in the business should be given in paragraph (1).
Conditions of Licence
1. The person in whose favour this licence is issued shall. -
(a) Comply with all the relevant provisions of the Act and Rules for the time being in force;
(b) Not encourage or countenance any infringement of the provisions of the Act or the Rules for the time being in force;
(c) Exhibit this licence in some conspicuous part of the premises to which it relates;
(d) Comply with any general or special directions that may be given by the Controller of legal metrology;
(e) Surrender the licence in the event of closure of business and/or cancellation of Licence;
(f) (i) Present the weights, measures, weighing or measuring instruments as the case may be duly repaired to the legal metrology officer for under taking verification and stamping as specified in rule before delivery to the user.
(ii) In the case of weights, measures weighing or measuring instruments, if they are serviced/repaired before the date on which the verification falls due and where, in the process and the verification stamp of the legal metrology officer is defaced, removed or broken, they shall be presented duly repaired to the legal metrology officer for re
verification and stamping before delivery to the user.
(g) Submit the application for renewal of this licence as required under the rules within thirty days of expiry of the validity of the licence.
2. Every condition prescribed after the issue of this licence shall, if notified in the Official Gazette, be binding on the persons to whom the licence has been granted."
Renewal Entries
Schedule III
[See rule 3 (3)]
Licencing form
FORM – LD- 3
Government of Karnataka
Office of the controller of legal metrology
Licence to a dealer in weights, measures, weighing instruments or measuring instruments
Licence No......................... Year ........................ 1- The controller of legal metrology hereby grants to ........................
(Name and address of party or parties) a licence to deal in the following (Indicate details of the types weights and measures, weighing instruments or measuring instruments that are licenced to be dealt with by party)
2- The licence is valid for the party named above in respect of his premises located at 3- This licence is valid form ……………. To. …………….
4- The dealer shall comply with the conditions noted below. If he fails to comply with any one of these his licence is liable to be suspended after such enquiry and if proved is liable to be cancelled by the issuing authority.
(Seal) (Signature) Date ........................ Controller of Legal Metrology Place........................ ------------------
Note: In the case of firm its name with the names of all persons having any interest in the business should be given in paragraph (1).
1. The person in whose favour this licence is issued shall. -
(a) Comply with all the relevant provisions of the Act and Rules for the time being in force;
(b) Not encourage or countenance any infringement of the provisions of the Act. or the Rules for the time being in force;
(c) Exhibit this licence in some conspicuous part of the premises to which it relates;
(d) Comply with any general or special directions that may be given by the Controller of legal metrology;
(e) Surrender the licence in the event of closure of business and/or cancellation of Licence;
(f) Submit the application for renewal of this licence as required under the rules within thirty days of expiry of the validity of the licence.
(g) Not sell or offer, expose or possess for sale any non-standard weight or measure.
2. Every condition prescribed after the issue of this licence shall, if notified in the Official Gazette, be binding on the persons to whom the licence has been granted.
Renewal Entries
[See rule – 3 (4) & (5)]
Government of Karnataka
Office of Controller of Legal Metrology
Licencing and renewal fees for manufacturers, repairers of dealers of weights and measures Issue of licence / renewal of licence to:
(i) Manufacturers Rs. 500/-
(ii) Repairers Rs. 100/-
(iii) Dealers Rs. 100/-
[See rule 3(6)]
Government of Karnataka
Office of Controller of Legal Metrology
Register of licenced manufacturers/ Repairers/ Dealers of weights, measures, weighing / measuring instruments
Office of ………………….
Note: Column (4) does not apply to dealers, column (6) does not apply to repairers and dealers.
[See rule 3(8)]
Government of Karnataka
Office of Controller of Legal Metrology
Security deposit to be made by licencee repairer
Repairer of weights and measures including weighing Rs. 200.00 and measuring instruments.
[See rule 3 (12)]
Form LM-4
Register to be maintained by the manufacturers of weights and measures.
1- Name and address of the manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2- Description of the weight or measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3- (i) No. of the manufacturing licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii) Date on which the licence was issued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(iii)Period of validity of the licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Particulars of order, if any, suspending or revoking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the licence.
Schedule – VII
[See rule 3(12)]
Form LR-4
Register to be maintained by the repairer in respect of weights, Measures
Name and address of the repairer . . . . . . . . . . . Licence No. . . . . . . . . . . Date of Licensing . . . . . . . . . . .
Schedule – VII
[See rule 3(12)]
Form LD-4
Register to be maintained by dealer in weights and measures.
1- Name and address of the dealer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2- Description of the weight or measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3- (i) Dealer licence No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(ii) Date on which the licence was issued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(iii) Period of validity of licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Particulars of order, if any suspending or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revoking the licence.
5- Category of weight or measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Category A or B)
Schedule – VIII
[See rule 4(8)(c)]
Government of Karnataka
Office of the Controller, legal metrology,
Certificate of verification
Name of Legal Metrology Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I hereby certify that I have this day verified and stamped / rejected the under mentioned weights, measures, etc.
Belonging to . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locality . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . deposited vide T. Receipt/ Money receipt .No. . . . . . . . . . dated . . . . . . . . Repaired by/ Used by
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (Signature)
Next verification due on . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal Metrology Officer
Note:- In the case of rejected weights, measures, etc the legal metrology officer shall give separate Certificate of rejection mentioning the reasons of rejection against each item.
Schedule – VIII “A”
[See rule 4(8)(d)]
Government of Karnataka
Office of the Controller, legal metrology,
Certificate of verification
Fee for issue of duplicate certificate of verification Rs.10.00
[See Rule 4(9)(a) (b) & (d)]
Fee payable for verification and Stamping of Weights and Measures and Weighing and Measuring Instruments
1- (a) Bullion Weights:
(b) Carat Weights:
(c) Cylindrical knob type weights:
(d) Sheet metal Weight (other than Bullion)
(e) Iron hexagonal, knob type weights and parallelepiped weights:
(f) Standard weights for testing of high capacity weighing machines:
2- Capacity Measures (including tank lorries, storage tanks and vats.):
3- Length Measures:
(a) Non-Flexible –
(b) Fabric Plastic/ Woven/Steel tapes –
(c) Folding Scales –
(d) Surveying Chain –
4- Beam Scale Class A & B:
5- Beam Scales Class C& D:
6- Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments - Mechanical (analogue) Class III & IIII :
7- Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments - Electronic Class III & IIII :
8(i) Non Automatic Weighing instruments both mechanical and electronics class I & II:
8(ii) Automatic Weighing Instrument:
9- Volumetric measuring instruments:
(a) Dispensing pumps each pump : Rs.1000.00 per unit
(b) Totalizing counter : Rs. 500.00 per unit
(c) Other instruments :
10- Flow meters:
Flow rate up to 100 litre/ min. Rs.2000.00
Above 100 litre/ min upto 500 litre/ min Rs.3000.00
Above 500 litre /min. Rs.5000.00
11- Linear Measuring Instruments:
Taxi, Autorishaw meters Rs.100.00
Other meters Rs.50 for the Ist 1000 m. or part there of Plus Rs. 5.00 for every additional 100 m. or part thereof
12- Clinical Thermometer Rs. 0.50 per unit
13- Water meter Rs. 25.00 per unit
14- Peg Measure:
15. CNG Dispensers: Rs. 1000.00 per unit 16. LPG Dispensers: Rs. 1000.00 per unit 17. (i) Counter Machines up to capacity 10 kg: Rs.20.00
(ii) Counter Machines above capacity 10kg: Rs.50.00
[See rule 7]
Compounding fees for various offences
Schedule –XI
(See rule 4(7) (b)
Government of Karnataka
Department of Legal metrology
Office of the Legal Metrology officer
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Notice to the Traders
This day I have visited M/s…. . . . . . . . . . . . . at place . . . . . . . . . . . . . and inspected weights and measures and found the following defects in weights, measures, weighing instruments, measuring instruments which exceeds the tolerance limits prescribed under the Legal Metrology (General) Rules 2011.
There by you are called upon to remove the said defects and present the same before the under signed for verification and stamping failing which action will be initiated as per the Act and Rules.
Trader’s signature Seal & Signature of Legal Metrology Officer