The Delhi Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2009

The Delhi Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2009

 No. F.5/72/2005/HP-1/Estt./ Dated the


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 read  with clause (i) of section 2 of the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (29 of  2005), the Lieutenant Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby makes the  following rules, namely : - 

1. Short title and commencement. –  

(1) These rules may be called the Delhi Private Security Agencies (Regulation)  Rules, 2009.  

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Delhi Gazette.  

2. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-  (a) “Act” means the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (29 of 2005);  

(b) “Agency” means a private security agency as defined in clause (g) of section 2  of the Act;  

(c) “Appellate Authority” means the Principal Secretary in the Home Department of  the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.  

(d) “Controlling Authority” means the Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary in the  Home Department, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, as the  case may be or any other officer on whom the powers and functions of the  Controlling Authority have been delegated under section 19 of the Act;  

(e) “District” means a district constituted under clause (a) of section 10 of the Delhi  Police Act, 1978 (34 of 1978);  

(f) “Form” means a Form appended to these rules;  

(g) “Government” means the Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of  Delhi appointed by the President under article 239 and designated as such  under article 239 AA of the Constitution;  

(h) “Guard” means a private security guard as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of  the Act;  

(i) “Licensee” means the agency granted license under this Act;  

(j) words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the  Act shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. 

3. Manner of making application for grant of license.-  

 (1) Every application by an Agency for the grant of a license under sub-section (1)  of section 7 of the Act, shall be made to the Controlling Authority prescribed in  Form- V.  

 (2) Every application referred to in sub rule (1) shall be accompanied by fee as  specified under sub-section (3) of section 7 of the Act, in the form of crossed  bank draft/demand draft or banker’s cheque payable to the Controlling  Authority, as under:-  

(a) Rupees five thousand only, if the private security agency is operating in  one district;  

(b) Rupees ten thousand only, if the agency is operating in more than one  but upto five districts;  

(c) Rupees twenty five thousand only, if it is operating in the whole of  National Capital Territory of Delhi.  

(3) Every application referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be either personally delivered  to the Controlling Authority or sent to him by a representative.  

(4) On receipt of the application referred to in sub-rule (1), the Controlling Authority  shall after noting thereon the date of receipt of the application, grant an  acknowledgement to the applicant.  

4. Verification of character and antecedents of the applicant. –  

(1) Every applicant while making an application to the Controlling Authority for  issue of fresh license or renewal shall enclose Form-I for verification of its  antecedents. In case, the applicant is a company or a firm, separate Form-1 for  every proprietor, majority shareholder, partner or director, as the case may be,  shall be enclosed, as if they are also the applicants.  

(2) On receipt of the application, the Controlling Authority or any officer authorized  by him, may, for verification of the contents of the application, forward it to the  Deputy Commissioner of Police of the concerned police district where the  agency intends to commence its activities and for verification of particulars of  the applicant, forward the particulars to the Deputy Commissioner of Police,  Special Branch, Delhi and, make such inquiry, as he considers necessary.  

(3) For verification, the Controlling Authority or any officer authorized by him shall  obtain:-  

(a) no objection certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner of  Police; 

(b) the verification report of particulars of the applicant and every person in  whose name the antecedent form is filled up, from the Deputy  Commissioner of Police, Special Branch, Delhi.  

(4) The Deputy Commissioner of Police of the concerned police district shall furnish  the no objection certificate within thirty days of receipt of the application to the  Controlling Authority or any other officer, authorized for the purpose.  

(5) The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Special Branch, Delhi shall furnish the  verification report within thirty days of receipt of the application to the authorized  officer or the Controlling Authority containing the following information, namely:  –  

(a) whether the applicant is/was indulging in activities which are prejudicial  to national security or public order and if so, details thereof,  

(b) whether the applicant earlier operated any agency either individually or in  a partnership and if so the details thereof; and  

(c) whether the applicant possesses any special qualification or skill which  may be considered to be facilitating the operations of the agency.  

5. Verification of character and antecedents of the guard. –  

(1) No person shall be employed or engaged as a guard by the agency, unless, he  fulfills the conditions specified in section 10 of the Act and the agency is  satisfied about the character and antecedents of such person in the following  manner, namely:-  

 (a) on verification of the character and antecedent by itself;  

(b) on character and antecedent verification certificate produced by the  person, provided that the certificate is valid and the agency has no  adverse report regarding his character and antecedent from any other  source;  

(c) on the character and antecedent report received from the Deputy  Commissioner of Police or an officer of the equivalent or higher rank.  

(2) A person seeking employment as guard, shall submit the information in Form-II  to the agency and separate forms shall be submitted for each district in case  the person has stayed in more than one district during the last five years.  

(3) The agency may make an enquiry for verifying the particulars of the person  seeking employment as guard, either by itself or may forward Form-II to the  concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police or the Superintendent of Police or  the officer authorized for this purpose, as the case may be.  

(4) The person shall deposit the verification charges as prescribed in sub-rule (9) in  respect of each individual case for verification of character and antecedents to  the concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police or the Superintendent of Police  or the officer authorized for this purpose.  

(5) The concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police or the Superintendent of Police  or the officer authorized for this purpose, for establishing the identity and for  verification of the character and antecedents of the person may make inquiries  from the respectable residents within the locality and visit the residence of the 

person and look into the record of the concerned police station and the record  of the District Police Headquarters for verifying the character and antecedents.  

(6) The concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police or the Superintendent of Police  or the officer authorized for this purpose shall furnish the character and  antecedent verification report within thirty days of receipt of the Form-II to the  designated officer of the agency, containing the following information, namely: -  

(a) the comments of the police on the particulars filled by the person in  Form-II;  

(b) a general report about the activities including his means of livelihood  during the period of verification;  

(c) disclosure about the criminal investigation or proceedings, registered or  commenced or pending or disposed of at any point of time;  

(d) regarding his conviction, if any, in criminal offence punishable with  imprisonment;  

(e) whether the engagement or employment of the person under verification  by the agency will pose a threat to national security or not.  

(7) The character and antecedent verification report shall be graded as confidential  and forwarded in the sealed cover and shall remain valid for three years from  the date of verification.  

(8) On the basis of the character and antecedent verification report of the  concerned police station or of the Deputy Commissioner of Police of the  concerned district or Deputy Commissioner of Police, Special Branch or the  officer authorized for this purpose or of the agency itself, the agency shall issue  a character certificate to the person in Form III, which shall not be taken back  even if the person ceases to be the guard of the agency.  

(9) For verification of character and antecedents of a person to be employed by an  Agency as Guard, a fee of rupees two hundred and fifty only shall be payable to  the concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police or the Superintendent of Police  or the officer authorized for this purpose, by way of cash or bank draft. 

6. Training of guards.-  

(1) For the purposes of training of guards, the Controlling Authority shall frame the  syllabus containing the details of the training. The duration of the training shall  be for a minimum period of hundred hours of theoretical instruction and sixty  hours of practical training, spread over at least, twenty working days. The ex 

serviceman and former police personnel shall however be required to attend a  condensed course only, of minimum forty hours of classroom instructions and  sixteen hours of field training spread over at least seven working days.  

(2) The training will include the following subjects, namely:-  

(a) conduct in public and correct wearing of uniform;  

(b) physical fitness training; 

(c) physical security, security of the assets, security of the building or  apartment, personnel security, household security;  

(d) fire fighting;  

(e) crowd control;  

(f) examining identification papers including identity cards, passports and  smart cards,  

(g) should be able to read and understand English alphabets and Roman  numerals as normally encountered in the identification documents, arms  license, travel documents and security inspection sheet;  

(h) identification of improvised explosive devices;  

(i) first-aid;  

(j) crisis response and disasters management;  

(k) defensive driving (compulsory for the driver of Armoured vehicle and  optional for others);  

(l) handling and operation of non-prohibited weapons and firearms  (optional);  

(m) rudimentary knowledge of Indian Penal Code, right to private defense,  procedure for lodging first information report in the police station, Arms  Act (only operative sections); Explosives Act (operative sections);  (n) badges of rank in police and military forces;  

(o) identification of different types of arms in use in public and Police;  (p) use of security equipments and devices (for example; security alarms  and screening equipments);  

(q) leadership and management (for supervisors only); and  

(r) observations, handling unidentified objects, conducting anti-sabotage  checks, handling equipments and special requirement for those who  have to do body protection.  

(3) The security guard shall have to successfully undergo the training as prescribed  by the Controlling Authority in training institute or organizations recognized by it.  On completion of the training, the successful trainee shall be awarded a  certificate in Form-IV by the recognized training institute.  

(4) For the purposes of imparting training as per the syllabus, the Controlling  Authority may frame the guidelines and specifications for recognizing the  institute or organization, and may recognize the institutes if it fulfils the required  guidelines and specifications.  

(5) The officer authorized by the Controlling Authority for the purpose, shall carry  out regular inspections of the recognized institute or organization and if it  ceases to fulfill the requisite guidelines and specifications, may recommend de recognition of such institute or organization.  

 (6) On receiving the recommendation from the authorized officer, the Controlling  Authority may after affording a reasonable opportunity to the institute, de recognize the institute or organization.  

 (7) A recognized training institute or organization shall submit the following details  to the Controlling Authority:-  

 (a) name and address of the institute;  

 (b) particulars of the trainee guards;  

 (c) duration of the training;  

 (d) syllabus covered and marks obtained by the trainee; 

(e) name and designation of the person authorized to issue certificates; and  (f) any other information as may be required by the officer authorized by the  Controlling Authority.  

7. Physical standards for the guard –  

(1) No person shall be employed or engaged as a guard unless he fulfills the  following physical standards:-    

(a) height: 160 cms for male and 150 cms. for females; Provided that a  person belonging to the Gorkhas, or Nepalies or Sikkimese or Scheduled  Caste or Scheduled Tribe is eligible for relaxation of height by 5 cms.  

 (b) weight: according to stand table of height and weight;  

(c) chest: measurements 80 cms with an expansion of 4 cms (for females  no minimum requirement for chest measurement );  

(d) eye sight: distant vision 6/6, near vision 0.6/0.6 with or without  correction, free from color blindness, shall be able to identify and  distinguish color display in security equipments; shall be able to read and  understand display in English alphabets and Roman Numericals;  

 (e) hearing: free from defect; shall be able to hear and respond to the  spoken voice and the alarms generated by security equipments  

(f) free from knock knee and flat foot, able to run one kilo meter in 6 minutes  for the age group between 18 to 30 years, 8 minutes for the age group  between 31 to 40 years and should be able to walk one mile in 15  minutes for the age group between 41 to 50 years and in 17 minutes for  the age group 51 and above;  

(g) shall not be suffering from a disease, which may limit the physical or  mental capabilities in charging the security duties;  

(h) shall not be suffering form any physical handicap or deformity, which  hamper in good performance of duties as security guard;  

(i) the candidate should have dexterity and strength to perform searches,  handle objects and use force for restraining the individuals in case of  need; and  

(2) The agency shall ensure that every guard working under its control undergoes a  medical examination from a Government or recognized hospital once in a year  for ensuring the physical standard prescribed in sub-rule(1) of this rule.  

8. Provisions for supervisors. –  

(1) For the purpose of supervising the guards, the agency shall employ or engage  one supervisor to supervise the work of not more than fifteen guards.  

(2) In case the guards are deputed in different premises and it is not practical to  supervise their work by one supervisor, the agency shall depute more number  of supervisors so that there shall be, at least, one Supervisor for every six  guards for control, advice and supervision. 

9. Grant of license. -  

(1) The Controlling Authority, after receiving a report from the authorized officer on  the application received under sub-rule (1) of rule 3, shall grant a license to the  private security agency in Form VI after completing all the formalities and  satisfying itself about the suitability of the applicant and also the need for  granting license for the area of operation applied for:  

(2) The Controlling Authority either by itself or through its officers including the  officer authorized by it may verify the training and skills imparted to the private  security guards and supervisors of any private security agency.  

(3) The Controlling Authority may review the continuation or otherwise of license of  such security agencies which may not have adhered to the conditions of  ensuring the required training.  

(4) The Controlling Authority may, after making such inquiries as it consider  necessary and obtaining no objection certificate from the concerned police  authority, by order in writing, either grant or refuse to grant the same within a  period of sixty days from the date of receipt of application with complete  particulars and the fees.  

Provided that where the Controlling Authority does not agree with the no  objection certificate from the concerned police authority, he would briefly record  the reasons of his disagreement and place the matter before the Government  and proceed to grant or refuse to grant the license as per decision of the  Government.  

If the Controlling Authority decided to grant a license it shall be in Form VI. The  license shall be valid for a period of 5 years, unless the same is cancelled by  the Controlling Authority under sub-section (1) of section 13 of the Act.  

(5) The Controlling Authority shall not refuse the licence unless the applicant has  been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard and the ground on which  license is refused is mentioned in the order.  

(6) The Agency shall not use in its name the words like “Indian”, “National” or any  other such words, which give the impression of any Government patronage. 

10. Conditions for grant of license –  

(1) The licensee shall successfully undergo a training relating to the private security  service as prescribed by the Controlling Authority within the time frame fixed by  it.  

(2) The Licensee shall intimate the name, parentage, date of birth, permanent  address, address for correspondence and the principle profession of each  person forming the Agency within fifteen days of receipt of the license to the  Controlling Authority.  

(3) The licensee shall inform the Controlling Authority regarding any change in the  address of persons forming the Agency, change of management within seven  days of such change. 

(4) The licensee shall immediately intimate the Controlling Authority about any  criminal charge framed against the persons forming the Agency or against the  guard or supervisor engaged or employed by the Agency, in the course of their  performance of duties as private security agency. A copy of such  communication shall also be sent to the officer in charge of the police station  where the charge framed person resides.  

(5) Every licensee shall abide by the requirements of physical standards for the  private security guards and their training as prescribed in these rules as the  condition on which the license is granted.  

(6) Save as provided in these rules, the fees paid for the grant of license shall be  non-refundable.  

11. Renewal of license. –  

 (1) Every Agency shall apply to the Controlling Authority for renewal of the license  not less than 90 days before the date of expiry of the period of validity thereof.  

 (2) The Controlling authority may renew a license up to a further period of five  years.  

(3) The fees chargeable for renewal of the license shall be as applicable for the  grant of license.  

12. Conditions for renewal of license. –  


 (1) The renewal of the license shall be granted subject to the following conditions:-  

(a) The applicant continues to maintain his principal place of business in the  jurisdiction of the Controlling Authority.  

(b) The applicant continues to ensure the availability of the training for its  guards and supervisors required under sub section (2) of section 9 of the  Act and Rule 6 of these rules;  

(c) The applicant continues to adhere to the license conditions;  

(d) The police have no objection to the renewal of the license to the  applicant;  

(2) The form for application of renewal of license will be same as the form for  the application for original license.  


13. Cancellation and suspension of licence.-  

(1) No licence granted under this Act shall be cancelled or suspended until the  holder of a licence has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause  and being heard after giving due service of notice, why his licence should not  be cancelled or suspended as the case may be; 

(2) No such opportunity for showing cause and being heard shall be necessary  when the licence is suspended temporarily pending an enquiry against the  holder of the licence for contravention of any of the grounds as mentioned in  section 13(1) of the Act or any order made there under or of any of the  conditions of the licence granted to him.  

14. Appeal and procedure. - Every appeal under sub-section (1) of Section 14 of the Act  shall be preferred in Form – VII signed by the aggrieved person or his authorized  advocate and presented to the Appellate Authority in person or sent to him by  registered post.  

15. Register to be maintained by the Agency.- The Agency shall maintain the register in  Form-VIII, which shall be open for inspection by the Controlling Authority or the officer  authorized by it.  

16. Identity card for guard and supervisor.-The Agency shall issue an identity card to  every guard and supervisor in Form-IX. The identity card shall contain a full-face  colour-photo, name of the agency, name of the guard/supervisor, designation,  identification number and the period of validity. The photo identity card shall be  maintained upto date and any change in the particulars shall be entered therein. The  photo identity card issued to guard/supervisor shall be returned to the Agency issuing  it, once guard/supervisor is no longer engaged or employed by it.  

17. Other conditions of license. –  

(1) Every Agency shall ensure that the guards engaged or employed by it, wear  uniform while on duty, which is distinguishable from the other agencies.  

 (2) The agency shall also make the following as obligatory, namely:-  (a) For the Guard/Supervisor.-  

(i) to put an arm badge for the guard distinguishing it from other  agency;  

(ii) to put a shoulder or chest badge to indicate guard’s position in the  organization;  

(iii) to put a whistle attached to the whistle cord and to be kept in the  left pocket of the shirt;  

 (iv) rubber sole shoes with eyelet and laces;  

(v) a headgear having the distinguishing mark of the private security  agency;  

(vi) every guard shall carry a notebook and a writing instrument with  him.  

 (b) For the Agency.-  

(i) the uniform worn by the guard while on duty shall be such that it  does not hamper his efficient performance. In particular the  

uniform shall neither be too tight nor too loose as to obstruct  

movement or bending of his limbs;  

(ii) every guard/supervisor while on duty shall wear and display  photo-identity card issued under section 17 of the Act on the outer 

most garment above waist level on his person in a conspicuous  


(iii) the identity card issued to the guard/supervisor shall be returned  to the agency at the time of resignation or quitting the service;  

(iv) any loss or theft of photo-identity card shall be immediately  brought to the notice of the private security agency that issued it.  

(3) The Agency shall deploy the guards only for the purpose of private security as  defined under clause (f) of section 2 of the Act.  

(4) The Controlling Authority or any other officer authorized by him in this behalf,  may, at any time, enter the premises of the Agency and inspect and examine  the place of business, the records, accounts and other documents connected  with the license and may take record(s), copy of any relevant document(s).  

(5) The Agency shall provide details of the person(s) forming the agency, any  change in the address, any change in the constitution or management and also  about criminal charge (if any) made against them in the course of performance  of their duties in the agency or, as the case may be, a guard/supervisor  employed or engaged by them, to the Controlling Authority from time to time.  

By order and in the name of  

Lieutenant Governor of National  

Capital Territory of Delhi, 

(R. N. SHARMA)  

Joint Secretary (Home)  

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi  

F.No.01/10/08/HP-1/Estt./ Dated, New Delhi the  Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:-  

1. The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New  Delhi(Five copies)  

2. Principal Secretary to the Lt. Governor, Delhi  

3. Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Delhi  

4. The Divisional Commissioner, Delhi, 5, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi along with 09 copies.

5. The Secretary(Law & Judicial), Government of NCT of Delhi  

6. The Commissioner of Police, Delhi Police Headquarters, IP Estate, New Delhi 

7. The OSD to Chief Secretary, Delhi Sectt., New Delhi  

8. The Supdt. General Administration Department (Co-ordination) (in duplicate English as  well as Hindi version) Government of NCT of Delhi for pu8blication in the Delhi  Gazette extra-ordinary.  

(R. N. SHARMA)  

Joint Secretary (Home)  

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi 

Form I  

(see rule 4)  

Form for verification of Antecedents

*Thumb Impression* of the Applicant__________________  Signature of the Applicant ___________________________  For official use only  

Passport size  

recent photograph  attested by a  

Class-I Gazetted  officer  

Form number 

Name of the police station sent for police  verification 


Fee Amount Rs.________________ Cash/D.D._____________  

Name of Bank & Branch____________________________________________  D.D.No._________________________ Date of Issue ____________________  

N.B. : Please read the instructions carefully before filling the form. Please fill in BLOCK  LETTERS:  

(CAUTION: Please furnish correct information. Furnishing of incorrect information or  suppression of any material information in the form will render the candidate unsuitable for  grant of license)  

1. Name of applicant (Initials not allowed)  

 Last Name______________ Middle Name ______________ First Name _____________  

2. If you have ever changed your name, please indicate the previous name(s) in full   _________________________________________________________________  

3. Sex (male/female) ____________

4. Date of Birth _________________

4. Place of Birth: Village/Town __________________________________________

Distt.________________________ State & Country ________________________    

5. Father’s full name /Legal Guardian’s Full Name (including surname, if any):(Initials not allowed)   __________________________________________________________________________

6. Mother’s full name (including surname, if any):(Initials not allowed)  



7. If married. Full name of spouse (including surname, if any), ):(Initials not allowed)   ____________________________________________________________________  

8. Present Residential Address including Street No./Police Station, Village and District (with  PIN code)  _______________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________  Telephone No./Mobile No.__________________________________  

Off. ____________________ Res. ______________________ Fax ______________  Email ID ___________________________________________________  

9 Please give the date since residing at the above-mentioned address: DD/MM/YY _______  

10. Permanent Address including Street No./Police Station, Village and District ( with PIN  code)  


11. If you have not resided at the address given at COLOUMN (9) continuously for the last  five years, please furnish the other address (addresses) with duration(s) resided. You should  furnish additional photocopies of this form for each additional place of stay during the last  five years. Forms may be photocopied, but photograph and signature in original are required  on each form.  

 Address From To  ________________________________________________ _________________ _______________  ________________________________________________ _________________ _______________  ________________________________________________ _________________ _______________  ________________________________________________ _________________ _______________  

12. In case of stay abroad, particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one  year after attaining the age of twenty-one years.  

 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________ 

13. Other Details:  

a) Educational Qualifications:  

b) Previous positions held, if any, along with name and address of employer(s). ____________________________________________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________________________________________  

c) Reason for leaving last employment: 

____________________________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________  

d) Visible Distinguishing Mark:  

e) Have you ever been dismissed / removed from Govt. service on account of  misconduct or moral turpitude?  

14. Did you earlier operate any Private Security Agency or were its partner, majority  shareholder, or Director? If yes, then furnish the name, address of the agency and its licence  particulars.  

15 .Are you a citizen of India by: (Birth/ Descent/ Registration/Naturalisation? If you have  ever possessed any other citizenship, please indicate(the same).  


16. Have you, at any time, been convicted by a court in India for any offence and sentenced  to imprisonment? If so, give name of the court, case number, and offence. (Attach copy of  judgment)  


17. (a) Are any criminal proceedings pending against you before a court in India? If so, give  name of court, case number, and offence  

___________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________________________________ 

(b) Have you been keeping links with any organization or association which is banned under  any law on account of their activities which pose threat to national security or public order?  

18. Self – Declaration:  

 The information given by me in this form and the enclosures is true & correct and I  am solely responsible for its accuracy.  

(Signature/Thumb Impression.* of applicant)  



19. Enclosures :  

 ____________________________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________  

(Signature/ Thumb Impression *of applicant)  

(*Left Hand Thumb Impression if Male and Right Hand thumb Impression if  Female)  


File No.______________________________  

Date of issue of C&A report ______________  

(Signature of Police Station In-charge)  

Name of Police Station __________________  

Name of Police District __________________  


(i) Three passport-size photographs duly attested by G.O. on reverse of  photograph in respect of applicants.  

(ii) Proof of Age  

(iii) Certificate of Incorporation issued by ROC, Sale Tax No. (ST-2), Labour  Licence, Registration under ESI Act & EPF Act  

(iv) Site Plan of office  

(v) Proof of residence of Applicants  

(vi) Prescribed Fees  

(vii) NOC from land-owning agency for carrying on trade of security agency  business at the premises

Form II
(See rule 5)

Passport size

Form for verification of Character & Antecedents of Guard / Supervisor Thumb Impression* of the Applicant__________________  Signature of the Applicant ___________________________  For official use only  recent photo  graph attested  by a Class I  Gazetted  Officer

Form number 

Name of the police station sent for police  verification 


Fee Amount Rs.________________ Cash/D.D._____________  

Name of Bank & Branch____________________________________________  D.D.No._________________________ Date of Issue ____________________  

N.B.: Please read the instructions carefully before filling the form. Please fill in BLOCK  LETTERS: (CAUTION: Please furnish correct information. Furnishing of incorrect  information or suppression of any material information in the form will render the candidate  unsuitable for employment/engagement in private agencies.)  

1. Name of applicant as should appear in the photo-identity card (Initials not allowed)   Last Name______________ Middle Name _____________ First Name ______________  

2. If you have ever changed your name, please indicate the previous name(s) in full   _________________________________________________________________  

3. Sex (male/female) ____________

4. Date of Birth _____________________  

4. Place of Birth: Village/Town ___________________________ Distt.______________    

 State & Country _______________________________________________________    

5. Father’s full name /Legal Guardian’s Full Name (including surname, if any):(Initials not  allowed)  


6. Mother’s full name (including surname, if any):(Initials not allowed)  


7. If married. Full name of spouse (including surname, if any), :( Initials not allowed)   ____________________________________________________________________ 

8. Present Residential Address including Street No./Police Station, Village and District (with  PIN code)  


______________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________   Telephone No./ Mobile No._______________________________  

 Off. __________________ Res. ________________ Fax ______________________   Email ID___________________________________________________  9. Please give the date since residing at the above-mentioned address: DD/MM/YY __________ 

10. Permanent Address including Street No./Police Station, Village and District ( with PIN  code)  


______________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________  

11. If you have not resided at the address given at COLOUMN (9) continuously for the last  five year, please furnish the other address (addresses) with duration(s) resided. You should  furnish additional photocopies of this form for each additional place of stay during the last  five years. Forms may be photocopied, but photograph and signature in original are required  on each from.  

 Address From To  ________________________________________________ _________________ ________________  ________________________________________________ _________________ ________________  ________________________________________________ _________________ ________________  ________________________________________________ _________________ ________________  

12. In case of stay abroad, particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one  year after attaining the age of twenty-one years.  





13. Other Details:  

a. Educational Qualifications:  


b. Previous posts held along with name and address of employer(s)  



c. Reason(s) for leaving last employment: 


d. Have you ever been dismissed/removed from Govt. service on account of  misconduct or moral turpitude? (Yes/No)  

e. Visible Distinguishing Mark:____________________________________  f. Heights (Cms) ______________  

14. Are you working in Central Govt./State Govt./PSU/Statutory Bodies ( Yes / No )  

15. Are you a citizen of India by: (Birth / Descent / Registration / Naturalisation). If you  have ever possessed any other citizenship, please indicate previous citizenship?  


16. (a) Have you, at any time, been convicted by a court in India for any offence & sentenced  to imprisonment? If so, give name of the court, case number and offence. (Attach copy of  judgment)  


(b) Are any criminal proceedings pending against you before a court in India? If so, give  name of court, case number and offence  


(c) Has any court issued a warrant or summons for appearance (as an accused) or warrant for  arrest or an order prohibiting your departure from India? If so, give name of court, case  number and offence  

_____________________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________________  

(d) Have you been keeping links with any organizations or association which is banned under  any law on account of there activities which pose threat to national security or public  order? 

17. Self – Declaration:  

 The information given by me in this form and enclosures is true & correct and  I am solely responsible for its accuracy.  

(Signature/T.I.* of applicant)  

(*Left Hand Thumb Impression if Male and Right Hand thumb Impression if  Female)  



18. Particulars of person to be intimated in the event of death or accident:  Name ___________________________________________________  


 __________________________________________________  Mobile/Tel.No.____________________________________________  19. Enclosures: ____________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________    

(Signature/T.I. of applicant)  


File No.______________________________  

Date of issue of C&A report ______________  

(Signature of Police Station In-charge)  

Name of Police Station __________________  

Name of Police District __________________  


(i) Three passport-size photographs  

(ii) Proof of age (Birth certificate, School leaving Certificate, Matriculation  Certificate)  

(iii) Proof of residence  

(iv) Training certificate 

(See rule 5)


This is to certify that Mr./Ms.____________________________________, S/o / D/o Shri  ______________________________R/o_____________________________________________  

_____________________________, whose particulars are given below, has good moral character  and reputation and that the applicant has been staying at the following address continuously for the  last one year.  

Date of Birth  

Place of Birth  

Educational Qualification  


Present Address  

Permanent Address  

 Issuing Authority  




Address/Tel. No.  

Date of Issue 

Form IV  

(see rule 6)  

Training Certificate  

Serial number  

Name of the Training Agency  

Address of the Training agency  

License No.  

 Certified that ____________________________________ son/daughter  of _________________________________ resident of _________________________  ______________________________________________________________________  

has completed prescribed training for the engagement or employment as a Private Security  Guard from ____________ till _____________.  

His signature is attested below  

Signature of the Certificate Holder  

Signature of issuing authority  


Place of issue  

Date of issue 

Form V  

(See rule 3) 



The Controlling Authority  



The undersigned hereby applies for obtaining a licence to run the business of  operating services in the area of Private Security Agencies;  

1. Full name of the applicant  

2. Nationality of the applicant  

3. Son/Wife/Daughter of  

4. Residential Address  

5. Address, where the applicant desires to start his Agency  

6. Name of the Private Security Agency  

 (NOTE: Registration Number of the Agency also be indicated)  

7. Name and Address of Proprietor, Partner, Majority shareholder, Director and  Chairman of the Agency.  

(NOTE: Nationality of each Partner, Majority Shareholder, Director and Chairman of the  Agency be indicated)  

8. Name and extent of facilities available  

9. Qualification of staff engaged for imparting instructions:  

Name _____________________________  

Age _______________  

Designation _______________________  

10. Equipments which will be used for security services.  



 Mine Detector  

 Other Detectors  

 Wireless Telephones  

 Alarm Devices  

 Armored Vehicles  



 NOTE : Strike off the equipment(s) not to be used for security services. 

11. Particulars of the uniform including colour in case the applicant intends to use any  uniform for the private security guards and supervisors of the Agency.  

12. Does the applicant intend to operate in more than one district? If so, please  mention name of the districts -  







13. Does the applicant intend to operate in the entire state? (Yes/No)  

 14. Does the applicant possess the training facility on its own or will get it on outsourcing  basis? The details of training facility should be furnished. (as annexure)  


Name of the applicant  

Address of the applicant  

Telephone number of the applicant  

Date of application  


1. Copy of current income tax clearance certificate  

2. Affidavit as prescribed as in Section 7 sub-section (2) of the Act  3. Other enclosures 

Form VI  

(See rule 9)  

Licence to engage in the business of Private Security Agency  Serial No.________________________  

Date ____________________________  

Shri _________________________________________________(name of the applicant)  s/o_____________________________________________________________________  r/o_____________________________________________________________________  

____________________________ (full address) is granted the license by the Controlling  

Authority for the State of _____________________________ to run the business of  private  

security agency in the district(s) of/State of (cancel the inapplicable words)  ________________________________________________________________________  

_____________________ with office at _______________________________________  ______________________________________________________(address of the office)  Place of Issue _____________________  

Date of Issue _____________________  

This licence is valid up to _____________________  



Name of granting authority  

 Designation   Official address  

This licence is renewed up to ______________________  


Name of renewing authority  


 Official Address  

 Date of renewal 


Form VII  

(See rule 14)  

Form for Appeal  

An appeal under rule 14 of the Rules against the order of Controlling Authority  Appellant ________________________________________  

s/o ______________________________ r/o________________________________  

Above appeal to the Principal Secretary /Secretary (Home), against the order of Controlling  Authority dated _________________ and against refusal of licence to run private security  agency, namely _______________________ and sets forth the following grounds of appeal,  namely  

1. _____________________________  

2. _____________________________  

3. _____________________________  

4. _____________________________  

Enclosed list of documents  


Name, Designation & Address of the Appellant  



Form VIII  

(See rule 15)  

Register of Particulars 

(Part –I Management details) 



Name of  


managing the  


Parent’s/Father’s  Name 

Present  address& phone no

Permanent  address 

Nationality Date of joining /leaving the  agency 



 (Part –II Private Security Guards and Supervisor)  


. Name of  


Father’s  Name 

Present  Address  & phone no. 

Date of  joining/  leaving  the  


Permanent  Address 

Photo graph 




with date 



(Part –III Customers)  


Name of the  


phone no. 

Address of  the place  


security is  provided 

Number and  ranks of  




Date of  

commencement  of  


Date of  

discontinuation  of services 

(Part IV Duty Roster) 

S.No. Name of the private  security guard/  


Address of the place of duty 


provided with  any arms/  


Date and time  of  

commencement  of duty 

Date and time  of ending of duty


Photograph of  

Form IX  

(See rule 16)  

Photo-Identity card for Private Security Guard/Supervisor the holder duly  attested by the  issuing authority

Name of the Private Security Agency ______________________________________  Name of the Private Security Guard /Supervisor______________________________  Official Designation ___________________________________________________  Identification no. of the Guard/Supervisor __________________________________ Date of Issue__________________________  

Valid up to ________________________  

Signature of the cardholder _______________________  

Signature of the  

issuing authority  

Official seal 
