Minimum Wages Notification - Delhi
The Delhi Labour Department on November 07, 2020 has issued Notification No.: 12(142)/02/MW/VII/Partfile/3786-3809 wherein the following revised minimum wages applicable in respect of unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled categories, Clerical and Supervisory Staff in all scheduled employments has been issued, namely:-
- Unskilled workers the rates has been revised to 15,492/- per month
- Semi skilled workers the rates has been revised to 17,069/- per month
- Skilled workers the rates has been revised to 18,797/- per month
- Non matriculates workers the rates has been revised to 17,069/- per month
- Matriculates but non graduate workers the rates has been revised to 18,797/- per month
- Graduates and above workers the rates has been revised to 20,430/- per month