First-aid Box - Contains

 First-aid Box - Contains

(1) The first-aid box shall be distinctively marked with a red cross on a white ground and shall contain the following equipment, namely:

(a) For establishment in which the number of contract labour employed does not exceed fifty-
Each First-Aid Box shall contain the following equipment-

(i) 6 small sterilized dressings;
(ii) 3 medium-size sterilized dressings;
(iii) 3 large-size sterilized dressings;
(iv) 3 large sterilized burn dressings;
(v) 1 (30 ml) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of iodine;
(vi) 1 (30 ml) bottle containing salvolatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated on the label;
(vii) 1 snake-bite lancet;
(viii) 1 (30 gms) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals;
(ix) 1 pair scissors;
(x) 1 copy of the First-Aid leaflet issued by the Director- General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India;
(xi) A bottle containing 100 tables (each of 5 grains) of aspirin;
(xii) Ointment for burns;
(xiii) A bottle of suitable surgical anti-septic solution.

(b) For establishment in which the number of contract labour exceeds fifty-
Each First-Aid Box shall contain the following equipment--
(i) 12 small sterilized dressings;
(ii) 6 medium- size sterilized dressings;
(iii) 6 large- size sterilized dressings;
(iv) 6 large-size sterilized burn dressings;
(v) 6 (15 gms) packets sterilized cotton wool;
(vi) 1 (60 ml) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of iodine;
(vii) 1 (60 ml) bottle containing salvolatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated on the label;
(viii) 1 roll of adhesive plaster;
(ix) a snake-bite lancet;
(x) 1 (30 gms) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals;
(xi) 1 pair scissors;
(xii) 1 copy of the First -Aid leaflet issued by the Director- General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India;
(xiii) A bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains) of aspirin;
(xiv) Ointment for burns;
(xv) A bottle of a suitable surgical anti-septic solution.

(2) Adequate arrangement shall be made for immediate recoupment of the equipment when necessary.
