Ministry of Labour and Employment
Unified Sharam Suvidha Portal (USSP) - User Manual
Version 2.0, February 2016
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Table of Contents
1.1. Unified Shram Suvidha Portal (USSP).................................................11.2. Scope of the Document ........................................................................11.3. Objective of the Portal..........................................................................11.4. Services of USSP..................................................................................21.5. Launching the Web Portal....................................................................21.6. USSP Portal Layout.............................................................................3
2.1. Home Page...........................................................................................52.1.1. Applicable Labour Laws...................................................................52.1.2. Know Your LIN................................................................................52.1.3. Objective, News and Contact Us......................................................52.1.4. Login.................................................................................................52.1.5. New User Registration .....................................................................62.1.6. Create Sharam Suvidha Account......................................................62.1.7. New Establishment Representative Registration .............................62.1.8. Change Password..............................................................................72.2. Establishments.....................................................................................72.2.1. Online Entry by Employer/ Establishment / Enforcement Agency..72.2.2. Workflow based approval for LIN Generation.................................82.2.3. Integration with Inspections.............................................................82.2.4. Email / SMS Notification to Establishments....................................8
4.1. LIN Registration.................................................................................104.1.1. Roles and Activities in Establishment Management.......................104.1.2. Establishment Registration .............................................................104.2. Inspection............................................................................................144.2.1. Roles and Activities in Inspection Management..............................144.2.2. View/Comment Inspection Report ..................................................14
5.1. Roles and Activities in Annual Return................................................165.2. Establishment Representative .............................................................165.2.1. DGMS Annual Return Process.........................................................165.2.2. CLC(c) Annual Return Process........................................................24
6.1. Roles and Activities in Annual Return...............................................326.2. Establishment Representative ............................................................32
7.1. Roles and Activities in Annual Return...............................................397.2. Establishment Representative ............................................................39
1. Introduction
1.1. Unified Shram Suvidha Portal (USSP)A Unified Web Portal for Registrations, Inspections, Returns and Grievance Redressal - This Portal is developed to facilitate ease of reporting at one place for various Labour Laws, consolidated information of Labour Inspection and its enforcement. The Web Portal will enhance convenience of reporting, transparency in Labour Inspection and monitoring of Labour Inspection based on key performances indices and provides an effective Grievances Redressal System hyperlinked with Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) Portal.
1.2. Scope of the Document
This manual will serve as a step by step guide to use the Web Portal in an easy way with the help of diagrams and screenshots wherever applicable.
It also contains FAQs Section where you can find answers to the common questions about Unified Web Portal.
1.3. Objective of the Portal
- Consolidated information of Labour Inspection and its enforcement
- Transparent and Accountable Inspections
- Compliances in Single Harmonized Form
- Performance Monitoring using Key Performance Indicators
- Effective Grievance Redressal System
- Identification of Unit/Establishment
- One number for each unit/entity covered for all Labour Laws (16)
- 10 Digit Labour Identification Number
- Expedite CLC and DGMS Annual Return Submission
- Monthly EPFO/ESIC Common Return
- On-line entry by Employer/ Establishment/ Enforcement Agency
- Entity Verification by Enforcement Agency
- LIN Generation by CLC (C)
- Email/ SMS notification to Establishment
- Available on Government Domain name platform on the domain name
- Users are pre-assigned User ID/Password
- Password can be changed by user
- Inspectable Establishments can get their login and passwords online themselves
- First stage for LIN generation by CLC (C) organization.
- On-line CLC(C) and DGMS Annual Return Submission
- Common EPFO and ESIC Monthly Return Submission
To get started using the Shram Suvidha Portal right away, just type the following address into your web browser or click on the link below.
The footer indicates who has designed, developed and conceptualized the application.
2. USSP Portal Overview
2.1. Home Page
2.1.1. Applicable Labour Laws
This facility is provided to make establishments aware about coverage of various Central Labour Acts applicable to them. First you have to select the industry and then depending upon the Employee Count a list of applicable acts is generated and flashed on the screen.
2.1.2. Know Your LIN
This facility is to the Establishments to know their LIN based on any existing Enforcement Agency Identification No.
2.1.3. Objective, News and Contact Us
This is self-explanatory as the Objective of the USSP is defined and also Contact Details of National Nodal Officers of Enforcement Agencies are provided.
2.1.4. Login
New users can be created, passwords can be changed. There is convention followed for creation of the password for the pre populated user ids.
A login window is available at the portal through which the users can login and perform their tasks. Upon giving the wrong login / passwords, system gives proper message and user has to try again.
Ministry of Labour and Employment
2.1.5. New User Registration
There is a provision to register new representative of the already registered establishments and new enforcement agency user. There is also a link is provided to generate the password for first time use for an establishment whose LIN is generated.
2.1.6. Create Sharam Suvidha Account
Please click on the link ‘Create a Shram suvidha account’ to register a new representative of an existing establishment. Following form will come on your screen and you have to fill it with correct information’s.
2.1.7. New Establishment Representative Registration
After sign up, user will login and at lading screen will click update profile to complete the registration by providing correct information.
Ministry of Labour and Employment
2.1.8. Change Password
This facility is provided to the users to change their passwords by providing old password. This facility is available only in the respective logins of the user of the portal.
2.2.1. Online Entry by Employer/ Establishment / Enforcement Agency As stated above in the points Employer/ Establishment and Enforcement Agencies can create various users for operations in Shram Suvidha Portal.
2.2.2. Workflow based approval for LIN Generation
After filling all the details, Labour Information Number (LIN) can be generated for the new establishment registered online.
2.2.3. Integration with Inspections
Labour Information Number (LIN) can be generated for the new establishment registered online.
2.2.4. Email / SMS Notification to Establishments
On generation of Inspection List, all Inspectors who are listed for particular Inspection and Establishments which are going to inspections are being sent Emails and SMS prior to inspections. The format is like this:
Email sent to Establishment
Dear .........,
Your establishment M/s Creative Services will be inspected by our team between ........ and ..........., be prepared with the necessary documents.
Establishment Details :
M/s .........
Inspection Team :
……….. - 9999999999
Regional Head, ……. (CLC)
(This is an auto-generated mail kindly do not reply back.)
SMS Sent to Establishment
Your establishment <name, address> will be inspected by our team between. <Start date> … and <due date>. Be prepared with the necessary documents.
Regional Head, <Area> (<Enforcement Agency>)
3. User Manual Sections
This user manual can be divided into five loosely coupled components -
∙ LIN Module
∙ Inspection Module
∙ Annual Return Module
∙ ECR Module
∙ Verify Data Module
Each of the components can be taken up independently depending upon the activities.
Ministry of Labour and Employment
4. Unified Web Portal- Components
The User Management component sits at the top of all the modules that are being developed or will be developed in the Unified Web Portal project.
Establishment Management Module covers Registration for LIN /SPS, Approval Cycle and the Generation of LIN/SPS.
4.1. LIN Registration
4.1.1. Roles and Activities in Establishment Management
User Role Common Name Activity
Step 5 - The user can update the Establishment via ‘Update’ Action.
Step 6 - The Option to Edit the Profile is available to every user on the Login Home Page
4.2. Inspection
The Establishment representative can view the inspection report and can submit comments on inspection report at Shram Suvidha Portal.
4.2.1. Roles and Activities in Inspection Management
User Role Common Name Activity
Establishment Representative
Owner/Employer ∙ View/Comment Inspection Report
4.2.2. View/Comment Inspection Report
The Establishment representative can view the inspection details of represented establishments and can also submit the comments on inspection reports.
The steps are as under
Step 1 Once the user clicks ‘Your Inspection’ option from menu, system displays the Inspection Dashboard.
Step 2 Once the user clicks view/comments option from Inspection dashboard, system displays the Inspection Reports as under. User needs to click act name to view report.
5. Online Annual Returns
The Return module starts with Establishment Representative who submits the Annual labour return for the year for DGMS and CLC(C) enforcement agencies. The Establishment Representative has option to upload the signed return online into the Unified Portal.
The Establishment Representative can file DGMS and CLC(c) return through an online form from their dashboard.
5.1. Roles and Activities in Annual Return
- User Role Common Name Activity
- Establishment Representative
- Employer/ Owner
- File Annual Return for DGMS and CLC(c)
- Upload Signed Reports for CLC(c)
- View Submitted Return
The Establishment Representative performs the following activities as part of Annual Return Process:
The Establishment Representative can file the Annual Return for DGMS and CLC(c) by selecting ‘File Annual Return’ option from main menu of Unified Portal.
The user selects the DGMS or CLC organization and year for which he/she want to submit return. Please refer below screen:
5.2.1. DGMS Annual Return Process
The steps are as under
Step 1 - If DGMS organization is selected, return submission status list of mines will appear:
Step 2 - On clicking Submit Return option below screen appears with two form for Annual Return under the mines Act 1952, you need to fill A and B forms below:
Step 3 - General Information Form
Step 4 - Annual Mines Returns Form
Employment Details
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Details under CMR
Details under MMR
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Details under OMR
Power Details
Accident Statistics
Medical Examination Details
Vocational Training Details
Step 5 After you fill both the forms A & B, below screen appears for final submission.
Once you click final submission button form details can’t be altered and annual return is submitted to DGMS.
Step 6 After final submission, system displays the acknowledgement and sends an email to the user: Step 7 To view the submitted annual report for DGMS click the submission date from below Annual Return for Mines Status List:
5.2.2. CLC(c) Annual Return Process
The steps are as under
Step 1 By selecting CLC(c) organisation from File Annual Return screen, Annual Labour Return status list appears:
Step 2 To submit CLC(c) annual return user need to fill different form corresponding to various labour acts.
Employers who wish to fill up Annual Return under Contract Labour Act 1970,Minimum Wages Act 1948,Payment of Wages(Mines)Rules,1956,Payment of Wages(Railways)Rules,1938,Payment of Wages(Air Transport Services)Rules,1968 should fill up only A to H below
Ministry of Labour and Employment
General Information Form
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Employer Registration Form
Details Pertaining to Bonus Act and Rules
Step 3 After you fill the forms for various acts, click the Final Submission button. After final submission details can’t be altered and annual return is submitted to CLC(c).
Step 4 System displays the acknowledgement and sends the same to the establishment representative for same.
Step 5 To complete return submission you need to download the Return report from Annual Labour Return Status List and upload it with authentication signature.
User views return report, download it and upload with authentication signature.
Once you click the establishment name at ECR List screen, system displays the Monthly ECR Dashboard:-
To prepare new ECR you need to choose year and month in above screen and to prepare pending ECR click on month from list. System will open below ECR Form, to add new employee click ADD Employee button:
Add Employee button will open below form:
To fill EPFO form click UAN number of employee at ECR form:
To fill ESIC form click IP number of employee at ECR form:
You can prepare ECR form by uploading Excel file and template for ECR file can be obtained from Download ECR Format option in below form:
Once ECR is prepared, you can submit ECR by choosing ECR Number from Monthly ECR Dashboard:-
Once ECR is submitted, you can view/print ECR Acknowledgement for the wage month by choosing ECR Number from Monthly ECR Dashboard:-
The user can view the establishment ECR Submission details through Submission Status option:-
7. Verify Data
The Verify Data module is for Establishment Representative who updates the establishment data and submits the changes for verification to Regional Head. The Regional Head can view the changes, provide remarks and approve/reject the changes.
7.1. Roles and Activities in Annual Return
User Role Common Name Activity
Establishment Representative
Employer/ Owner ∙ Update establishment data ∙ View Verification Status
7.2. Establishment Representative
The Establishment Representative performs the following activities as part of Verify Data Process:
The Establishment Representative can update the establishment related details by selecting ‘Verify Data’ option from main menu of Unified Portal.
The steps are as under
Once the Establishment representative logs into the Unified Portal, the Verify Data Dashboard will be displayed as under. The Verify Data Dashboard shows the list of establishment represented by user and can update data related to them:-
Once you click on establishment address, you can update establishment base data and submit same for verification to regional Head through below form:-
Once you click
the establishment identifiers at verify data dashboard, system displays the Update Establishment Identifiers Form. You can add, view and update identifier details and submit same for verification.