Third Party Factory Inspection Scheme

 Third Party Factory Inspection Scheme - Rajasthan

Jaipur, November 10, 2020

The Rajasthan Third Party Factory Inspection Scheme

F-1(EODB)2019/PS/00580/606 :- To achieve the Ease of Doing Business and to further simplify the inspection of registered factories under the Factories Act, 1948 and rules made thereunder in the State, the State Government hereby declares “The Rajasthan Third Party Factory Inspection Scheme” as follows

1. “Third Party” for this Scheme, shall be a person or an agency employing person a. Resident/domicile of the Rajasthan State.

b. Qualification

i. A degree in Mechanical or Production or Power Plant or Metallurgy or Chemical Engineering from a recognized institute.

c. Experience

i. A minimum experience of 10 years’ in

1. production or operation or maintenance in a factory registered under the said Act for 250 or more workers or

2. academics or research in any recognized engineering college or technical university;

d. Age limit– has not attained the age of 62 years and should be physically fit. 
e. Having a valid certificate issued under this scheme on the official RajFAB web application.

2. Application procedure and recognition of “Third Party” –

i. Applicant shall apply online on the official RajFAB web application.

ii. The Chief Inspector, on satisfying the qualification and experience of the applicant, may issue certificate under this scheme with the  conditions as he deems fit.

3. Area of Inspection for Third Party for Third Party Factory Inspection shall be whole Rajasthan.

4. Procedures for third party factory inspection –

a. For the occupier of the factory. –
i. The scheme shall be optional and any occupier can opt online on the Departmental Official RajFAB web application to get his/her factory inspected by a Third Party.
ii. Subsequently the occupier can re-opt for the scheme only if the compliance of the inspection is submitted online.

b. For Third Party. –
i. Proposes date of inspection online;
ii. carry out inspection and the report should be uploaded online on the Departmental Official RajFAB web application as per the procedures of the department.

5. Limitation and duties of Third Party–

1. Shall not inspect factories in case of accidents, complaints.
2. Shall not inspect factories of any class or type or area if prohibited by the Chief Inspector.
3. Shall comply with instructions and guidelines issued by the Chief Inspector.
4. Shall report to the Chief inspector as may be prescribed.

6. Revocation– The State Government may revoke the certificate of any Third Party at any time for a limited period or forever if

a. Third Party found to be engaged in any kind of manufacturing activity/industrial activity;

b. on any other grounds stated in writing.

7. No Third Party shall disclose any information relating to any manufacturing or commercial business or any working process which may come to his knowledge during such inspections except to the department or local administration. 

By order of the Governor, 
Mukesh Jain, 
Chief Inspector cum Deputy Secretary, 
Factories & Boilers Inspection Department.

