Registration Metrics for BTP under Apprenticeship

Registration Metrics for BTP under Apprenticeship

Annexure I: Registration Metrics for BTP under Apprenticeship 

The Training Centres applying for registration under Apprenticeship program needs to qualify in all the parameters of the Standards in the table below to get registered. These are mandatory and non-negotiable.

Accreditation StandardCentre's compliance for AccreditationDocuments required
1Classroom area/ Capacity of Classroom ( For each Classroom):
(Total carpet area of the Classroom) / Capacity of the Classroom in terms of number of trainees
Specify Area along with Floor plan approved by Architect
aMinimum space requirement for each Classroom is 100 square feet.
Minimum space requirement per trainee in each Classroom is 10 Square Feet
bIf the Classroom is not meeting above criteriaNoNo
2Laboratory area/ Capacity of Laboratory ( For each Laboratory):
(Total carpet area of the Laboratory) / Capacity of the Laboratory in terms of number of trainees
Specify Area along with Floor plan approved by Architect/
aLaboratory has to meet SSC specifications in case of Basic training In case SSC specific requirements are not given, Minimum space requirement for each Laboratory is 150 square feet. Minimum space requirement per apprentice in each Laboratory is 10 Square Feet Hybrid arrangement is also allowed with a condition that the area of Hybrid room should be minimum of 120% of the size of the bigger of the two rooms (Classroom or Lab). (Example: if Classroom is 100 sq. ft., and Lab is 200 sq. ft., then Hybrid room should be 240 sq. ft. at least). In case nothing specified by SSC hybrid @12 sq feet/apprentice; Minimum room size to be 150 Square feetYesLab specification must
meet industry requirement as per the course
bIf the Laboratory is not meeting above criteriaNoNo
3Type of Construction of the Building of the Training Centre
aAll walls of the Training Centre including Classrooms, Laboratories, Library, and Reception etc. should be well plastered, colored / distempered/ whitewashed.
The walls and roof made of Tin / Bamboo sheets are not allowed. Exceptions are as follows:
1. Engineering Sector: The lab or practical area for such trades can have tin/ bamboo structures however, the Classrooms shall have proper false Ceiling in case such structures are used. Also, Centre needs to provide detailed justification for its usage.
2. Services Sector: No exemption 3. Agriculture Sector: The lab/ practical/ demonstration area for such trades can have tin/ bamboo structures however, the Classrooms shall have proper false Ceiling in case such structures are used. Also, Centre needs to provide detailed justification for its usage.
The floor of the Training Centre including Classrooms, Laboratories should be cemented/ tiled/ mosaic/ ceramic/ hardwood/ laminate/ marble.
All the Classrooms and Laboratories should be properly ventilated.
All the wires and switchboards in the Training Centre should properly covered and secured.
bNon-compliance to any of the aboveNoNo
6Separate Male and Female Washroom facility
aAvailability of separate Male and Female washroom facilityYesYes
bUnavailability of separate Male and Female washroom facilityNoNo
7Cleanliness and Hygiene
aAvailability of a satisfactory
housekeeping arrangements at the Training Centre.
Availability of safe/clean drinking water facility in the form of Reverse Osmosis (RO) / Water purifier/ Packaged drinking water/ Packaged drinking water
Dustbin should be placed in all the rooms, reception area and all
bNon-compliance to any of the aboveNoNo
8Trainers certified by SSC or Availability of Qualified and Experienced Trainers as per SSC/CITS Specifications (For concerned Job Role)
Provide proof of
qualification of trainers
aAll trainers who are not certified by SSC/CITS or Trainers but meet the minimum educational qualification as well as minimum work experience criteria , as prescribed by SSC/CITS will howeverYesNo
Trainers for both Basic Training and OJT chosen by the industry but should meet the qualification criteria of curricula. It is desirable that trainers be
need to get certified within 2 months from the date of Conditional
Accreditation. Automatic de
accreditation by APPRENTICESHIP portal after 2 months if condition is not met with a warning before 1 month of de accreditation.
For re-accredited Centres, Trainers should be mandatorily SSC/CITS
certified by SSC/CITS as far as Basic Training is
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
9Availability of Equipment/ Tools/ Machinery in Laboratory For each Job Role
aLaboratory is equipped with mandatory equipment (as per SSC specified mandatory list ) for each job roleYes
As required by the course
Establishment to decide in accordance to the course
bLaboratory is not equipped with
mandatory equipment (as per SSC
specified mandatory list ) for each job role
10Availability of Chair and Table in Classroom and Laboratory
aAvailability of Chair and Table/ Chairs with fixed or attached writing plank in ClassroomYesYes
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
11IT/ Computer Laboratory facility with Air conditioner
aAvailability of IT/ Computer Laboratory with Air conditioner facility
(If IT/ Computer Laboratory is used as Hybrid Lab or Sector Specific Lab even then air conditioner is a mandatory requirement)
(Availability of AC in High altitudes Regions is exempted)
Internet facility with a speed of at least 1 MBPS should be there in the IT Lab
As required by the course
Establishment to decide in accordance to the course
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
12Power Backup for the training centre
aAvailability of power backup for the centre, at least covering IT Lab and minimum facilities like lights and fans in the classrooms and lab areaYesYes
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
13Availability of Aadhaar Enabled
Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)
aAvailability of AEBAS
AEBAS should be on-boarded on Skill Attendance Portal and needs to be in working condition
AEBAS should be accessible position Power backup should be there for AEBAS
1 AEBAS devise should cater to not more than 4 concurrent batches and for more than 4 concurrent batches, 2 devises should be installed
As per NAPS guidelines clause No 8.2 c
But proper attendance needs to be maintained and produced as and when required. It is desirable to have AEBAS
Sub domain URL of skill attendance to be reported
bNon-compliance to the above
14Availability of fixed tutoring media such as black board/ green board/ white board/ projector screen in all classrooms
aAvailability of fixed tutoring media such as black board/ green board/ white board in all classroomsYesYes
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
15Health Facilities : First- Aid Kit
aAvailability of the First-Aid kit as per below mentioned norms
First-Aid kit should contain below mentioned items, and the First aid box should be wall mounted at the Training Centre (accessible to all):
1. Emergency telephone numbers for emergency medical services
2. Sterile gauze pads (dressings) in small and large squares to place over wounds 3. Disinfectants like Dettol or Savlon 4. Medicines like pain killers
5. Roller bandages to hold dressings in place
6. Adhesive tape / Adhesive bandages in assorted sizes 7. Scissors and Tweezers
8. Antiseptic wipes or soap
9. Thermometer
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
16Safety Facilities : Fire Fighting
aAvailability of the Fire Fighting equipment as per below mentioned norms
1. Fire-Fighting Equipment - At least one of the following equipment to be available at the Centre with Fire safety instructions should be well displayed at key areas of the Training Centre along with Fire extinguisher:
1. Water based Fire Extinguisher 2. Foam based Fire Extinguisher 3. Dry Powder based Fire Extinguisher 4. Carbon dioxide based Fire extinguisher 5. Wet Chemical based Fire Extinguisher
2. Contact number for fire brigade, hospital, ambulance and other emergency numbers should be well displayed in Classroom, Laboratories and the Reception area.
3. Emergency Exit directions
bNon-compliance to the aboveNoNo
