#Askme - Wages during National Holiday

 #Askme - Wages during National Holiday


Question - Kindly share the clarifications for Working on Holiday Mumbai- Comp-off and double wages ( both) has to be given to the employees who are working on National Holiday

Answer - A worker shall be entitled to 8 paid festival holidays in a calendar year, namely, 
1- 26th January, 
2- 1st May, 
3- 15th August and 
4- 2nd October and 
5- four such other festival holidays (as may be agreed to between the employer and the workers as per the nature of business)

For holiday on these days, he shall be paid wages at a rate equivalent to the daily average of his wages (excluding overtime), which he earns during the month in which such compulsory holidays falls: 

If the employer may require any worker to work in the establishment on all or any of these days, subject to the conditions that for such work the worker shall be paid double the amount of the daily average wages and also leave on any other day in lieu of the compulsory holiday.  

Refer - Section 18(7) the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017  
