Apprenticeship - Establishment Registration - Process Flow
Click the ‘Submit’ (encircled below) button on completion.
A dialog Box with the Registration number will notify your account creation after whichyouwillreceiveanactivationEmailontheregisteredEmailAddress.
The Activation Mail will look as follows. Click on ‘Active’ (encircled below) to activate your account. You will be guided to the login page ofthe portal and you canuse theEmailIDandpassword(you providedduring registration)to loginto your account.
2. Login and Profile Completion
After Registration, Log Into your Account, using the email ID (or registration number) and password that you mentioned while registering.
Note: Before you can start creating Apprenticeship Opportunities, you will be required to complete your profile.
Kindly click on the ‘Complete Your Profile’ (encircled below) on top right to proceed.
The following page will open and you can use the ‘Edit’ (encircled below) button in each section to input all the required details.
3. Understanding Establishment Dashboard
There are 4 major items on your dashboard and they are explained below:
1. Apprenticeship Opportunities –Sum total of the Apprenticeship Opportunities (vacancies) created by you in one or more job roles.
2. Invitations: Number of invitations you have sent to candidates to apply to opportunities posted by you. You might identify suitable candidates by screening individual profiles
3. Applications: Number of Applications received by candidates for the Opportunitiespostedbyyou.Thiswillincludeapplicationsfrom‘invited’ candidates and from the larger pool of candidates registered on the portal 4. Contracts: There are two items in this section:
a. Pending: You have made an offer to the candidate by signing the contract letter and sharing with them.
b. Approved: The candidate has signed the contract letter – which
means that the candidate has accepted the offer.
4. Creating Apprenticeship Opportunity
To createApprenticeship Opportunity, click on the ‘Opportunity’ button ontheleft panel andthen click on the ‘Create Opportunity’ button as shown below.
5.Clickonthe“Create Opportunity” option tofillinthe detailsofthe nature of apprenticeship and Save the page as shown below
Youwillbeguidedtocreateopportunitypage.Somepointstokeepinmindare below:
• Number of Vacancies are the number of Apprentices you want to engage in the job role. This number can be edited later.
• Incase youareavailingfinancials reimbursement through NAPS,then select ‘NAPS’, otherwise select ‘Non-NAPS’.
Note: Important points to note while selecting ‘NAPS’ while creating opportunity: • NAPS can only be availed for NSQF aligned courses
• The candidates you onboard under NAPS, will need to have a validAadhaar card.
5. Searching Suitable Candidates
AfterthecreationoftheOpportunity, selectthe“Candidates”optiononyour Dashboardtoviewthelistofcandidatesregisteredontheportal.Tonarrowdown your search, you can use the filters available. You can perform a keyword search in the box ‘Search by Name, Code & Skill’
Onclickingon‘View’(encircledabove)youcanseeCandidatedetailssuchasdetails Qualifications,Location andsoon.Forthecandidatesyoufindsuitableforthe opportunity,youcanchoose‘InviteCandidate’(encircledbelow)toapplyforthe opportunity.
Note: Without the Creation of an Opportunity (as explained in the section Creating Apprenticeship Opportunity), you cannot invite candidates.
6. Invitations
You can open the invitations page by clicking on the ‘Invitations’ option on the left panel.Thissectionwillprovideyoudetailsoftheinvitationsyouhavemadetillnow (based on the ‘Invite Candidate’ feature explained above)
The status will be pending until such time the candidate accepts or declines the offer.
7. Applications Received
To view applications, please click on the “Applications” option (enciron the left panel.
You will be able to see applications from two types of candidates:
• Candidates from the ‘invitations’ pool, who have shown interest in the opportunity
• Candidates from the larger pool, who are registered on the portal and have shown interest in the opportunity
You can view the applications by choosing the ‘view’ option (encircled above) in the actioncolumn.Ifyouarefinewiththedetails,youcanproceedtoissuingcontractto the candidate.
8. Issuing Apprenticeship Contract
After reviewing theApplicationof candidates, you have three options that you can access through the action button (encircled below)
a) Reject: This is to reject the application, in case you don’t find the candidate suitable for the opportunity
b) View:Viewthe applicationto check the details ofthe candidate and the opportunity
c) IssueContract:Iffindthe candidate suitable for theopportunity, you can select Issue Contract and proceed to the Contract form.
9. Issue Contract Form
To issue contract to a candidate, you will have to fill the Issue Contract Form as shown below.
10. BTP Association
For Establishments
1. Login to Apprenticeship Portal ( 2. Click on BTP option available at the left side of the portal, you will be able to see the list of empaneled BTPs.
3. Kindly click on action item available in front of BTPs (...) to see the profile of the BTPs
4. Select the BTP you want to associate with and send an association request to the selected BTPs.
5. Once the BTP accepts the establishment’s request, the establishment will be able to see the BTP name under ‘Associated BTP’ tab at the time of issuing contract.
11. TPA Association
For Establishments
1. Login to Apprenticeship Portal ( 2. Click on TPA option available at the left side of the portal, you will be able to see the list of empaneled TPAs.
3. Kindly click on action item available in front of TPAs (...) to see the profile of the TPAs.
4. Select the TPA you want to associate with and send an association request to the selected TPAs.
5. Once the TPA accepts the establishment’s request, the establishment will be able to see the TPA name under ‘Associated TPA’ tab at the time of issuing contract.
Things to Keep in Mind:
a) The minimum rate of stipend payable to apprentices per month shall be as per the qualifications stipulated in the curriculum. The minimum rate of stipend payable to apprentices per month shall be follows, namely: -
b) If you opt for NAPS, then please ensure that the candidate has an Aadhaar card.