The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 19961

1. Short title and commencement.—

(1) These rules may be called the Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions

In these rules unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) “chemical accident” means an accident involving a fortuitous, or sudden or unintended occurrence while handling any hazardous chemical resulting in continuous, intermittent or repeated exposure to death, or injury to, any person or damage to any property but does not include an accident by reason only of war or radio-activity;
(b) “hazardous chemical” means,—
(i) any chemical which satisfies any of the criteria laid down in Part I of Schedule I or is listed in Part 2 of the said Schedule;
(ii) any chemical listed in column 2 of Schedule 2;
(iii) any chemical listed in column 2 of Schedule 3;
(c) “industrial activity” includes an operation or process,—
(i) carried out in an industrial installation referred to in Schedule 4 involving or is likely to involve one or more hazardous chemicals;
(ii) on-site storage or on-site transport which is associated with that operation or process as the case may be;
(iii) isolated storage;
(iv) pipeline;
(d) “industrial pocket” 
means any industrial zone earmarked by the Industrial Development Corporation of the State Government or by the State Government;
(e) “isolated storage” means storage of a hazardous chemical other than storage associated with an installation on the same site specified in Schedule 4 where that storage involves at least the quantities of that chemical set out in Schedule 2;
(f) “major chemical accident” 
means an occurrence including any particular major emission, fire or explosion involving one or more hazardous chemicals and resulting from uncontrolled developments in the course of industrial activity or transportation or due to natural events leading to serious effects both immediate or delayed, inside or outside the installation likely to cause substantial loss of life and property including adverse effects on the environment;
(g) “Major Accident Hazards (MAH) Installations
means, isolated storage and industrial activity at a site, handling (including transport through carrier or pipeline) of hazardous chemicals equal to or, in excess of the threshold quantities specified in column 3 of Schedules 2 and 3 respectively;
(h) “Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules” 
means the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989, published in the notification of Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, No. S.O. 966 (E), dated 27th November, 1989;
(i) “off-site emergency plan”
means the off-site emergency plan prepared under Rule 14 of the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules;
(j) “pipeline”
means a pipe (together with any apparatus and works associated therewith) or system of pipes (together with any apparatus and works associated therewith) for the conveyance of a hazardous chemical other than a flammable gas as set out in column 2 of Part II of Schedule I, at a pressure of less than 8 bars absolute;
(k) “site”
means any location where hazardous chemicals are manufactured or process, stored, handled, used, disposed of and includes the whole of an area under the control of an occupier and includes pier, jetty or similar structure whether floating or not;
(l) “transport” 
means movement of hazardous chemicals by any means over land, water or air.

3. Constitution of Central Crisis Group.—

(1) The Central Government shall constitute a Central Crisis Group for management of chemical accidents and set up a Crisis Alert System in accordance with the provisions of rule 4 within thirty days from the date of the commencement of these rules.
(2) The composition of the Central Crisis Group shall be as specified in Schedule 5.
(3) The Central Crisis Group shall meet at least once in six months and follow such procedure for transaction of business as it deems fit.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), the Central Crisis Group may co-opt any person whose assistance or advice is considered useful in performing any of its functions to participate in the deliberations of any of its meetings.

4. Constitution of Crisis Alert System

The Central Government shall,—
(a) set up a functional control room at such place as it deems fit;
(b) set up an information net working system with the State and district control rooms;
(c) appoint adequate staff and experts to man the functional control room;
(d) publish a list of Major Accident Hazards Installations;
(e) publish a list of major chemical accidents in chronological order;
(f) publish a list of members of the Central, State and District Crisis Groups;
(g) take measures to create awareness amongst the public with a view to preventing chemical accidents.

5. Functions of the Central Crisis Group

(1) The Central Crisis Group shall be the apex body to deal with major chemical accidents and to provide expert guidance for handling major chemical accidents.
(2) Without prejudice to the functions specified under sub-rule (1), the Central Crisis Group shall,—
(a) continuously monitor the post-accident situation arising out of a major chemical accident and suggest measures for prevention and to check recurrence of such accidents;
(b) conduct post-accident analysis of such major chemical accidents and evaluate responses;
(c) review district off-site emergency plans with a view to examine its adequacy in accordance with the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules and suggest measures to reduce risks in the Industrial pockets;
(d) review the progress reports submitted by the State Crisis Groups;
(e) respond to queries addressed to it by the State Crisis Groups and the District Crisis Groups;
(f) publish a Statewise list of experts and officials who are concerned with the handling of chemical accidents;
(g) render, in the event of a chemical accident in a State, all financial and infrastructural help as may be necessary.

6. Constitution of State Crisis Group

(1) The State Government shall constitute a State Crisis Group for management of chemical accidents within thirty days from the date of the commencement of these rules. 1[Explanation.—For the purpose of these rules “State Government” in relation to Union Territory means the Administrator thereof appointed under Article 239 of the Constitution.]
(2) The composition of the State Crisis Group shall be as specified in Schedule 6.
(3) The State Crisis Group shall meet at least once in three months and follow such procedure for transaction of business as it deems fit.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), the State Crisis Group may co-opt any person whose assistance or advice is considered useful in performing any of its functions, to participate in the deliberation of any of its meetings.
7. Functions of the State Crisis Group.—
(1) The State Crisis Group shall be the apex body in the State to deal with major chemical accidents and to provide expert guidance for handling major chemical accidents.
(2) Without prejudice to the functions specified under sub-rule (1), the State Crisis Group shall,—
(a) review all district off-site emergency plans in the State with a view to examine its adequacy in accordance with the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules and forward a report to the Central Crisis Group once in three months;
(b) assist the State Government in managing chemical accidents at a site;
(c) assist the State Government in the planning, preparedness and mitigation of major chemical accidents at a site in the State;
(d) continuously monitor the post-accident situation arising out of a major chemical accident in the State and forward a report to the Central Crisis Group;
(e) review the progress report submitted by the District Crisis Groups;
(f) respond to queries addressed to it by the District Crisis Groups;
(g) publish a list of experts and officials in the State who are concerned with the management of chemical accidents.

8. Constitution of the District and Local Crisis Group

(1) The State Government shall cause to be constituted within thirty days from the date of commencement of these rules,—
(a) District Crisis Groups;
(b) Local Crisis Groups.
(2) The composition of the District Crisis Groups and the Local Crisis Groups shall be as specified in Schedules 7 and 8 respectively.
(3) The District Crisis Group shall meet every forty-five days and send a report to the State Crisis Group.
(4) The Local Crisis Group shall meet every month and forward a copy of the proceedings to the District Crisis Group.

9. Functions of the District Crisis Group

(1) The District Crisis Group shall be the apex body in the district to deal with major chemical accidents and to provide expert guidance for handling chemical accidents.
(2) Without prejudice to the function specified under sub-rule (1), the District Crisis Group shall,—
(a) assist in the preparation of the district off-site emergency plan;
(b) review all the on-site emergency plans prepared by the occupier of Major Accident Hazards installation for the preparation of the district off-site emergency plan;
(c) assist the district administration in the management of chemical accidents at a site lying within the district;
(d) continuously monitor every chemical accident;
(e) ensure continuous information flow from the district to the Central and State Crisis Groups regarding accident situation and mitigation efforts;
(f) forward a report of the chemical accident within fifteen days to the State Crisis Group;
(g) conduct at least one full-scale mock-drill of a chemical accident at a site each year and forward a report of the strength and the weakness of the plan to the State Crisis Group.

10. Functions of the Local Crisis Group

(1) The Local Crisis Group shall be the body in the industrial pocket to deal with chemical accidents and coordinate efforts in planning, preparedness and mitigation of a chemical accident.
(2) Without prejudice to the functions specified under sub-rule (1), the Local Crisis Group shall,—
(a) prepare local emergency plan for the industrial pocket;
(b) ensure dovetailing of the local emergency plan with the district off-site emergency plan;
(c) train personnel involved in chemical accident management;
(d) educate the population likely to be affected in a chemical accident about the remedies and existing preparedness in the area;
(e) conduct at least one full-scale mock-drill of a chemical accident at a site every six months and forward a report to the District Crisis Group;
(f) respond to all public inquiries on the subject.
11. Powers of the members of the Central, State and District Crisis Groups.—
(1) The members of the Central Crisis Group, State Crisis Groups and District Crisis Groups shall be deemed to be persons empowered by the Central Government in this behalf under sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
12. Aid and assistance for the functioning of the District and Local Crisis Groups.—
(1) The Major Accident Hazards Installations in the industrial pockets in the district shall aid, assist and facilitate functioning of the District Crisis Group.
(2) The Major Accident Hazard Installations in the industrial pockets in the district shall also aid, assist and facilitate functioning of the Local Crisis Group.
13. Information to the public.—
(1) The Central Crisis Group shall provide information on request regarding chemical accident prevention, preparedness and mitigation in the country.
(2) The State Crisis Group shall provide information on request regarding chemical accident prevention, preparedness and mitigation to the public in the State.
(3) The Local Crisis Group shall provide information regarding possible chemical accident at a site in the industrial pocket and related information to the public on request.
(4) The Local Crisis Group shall assist the Major Accident Hazard Installation in the industrial pocket in taking appropriate steps to inform persons likely to be affected by a chemical accident.

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 
Schedule 1
[See rules 2(b) and 2(j)] 
Part I 

(a) Toxic Chemicals.—

Chemicals having the following values of acute toxicity and which owing to their physical and chemical properties, are capable of producing major accident hazards: 
Degree of Toxicity Oral Toxicity LD 50 (mg / kg) Dermal Toxicity (Dermal LD 50) (mg / kg) Inhalation toxicity by dust and mist (mg.) 
1. Extremely toxic 1-50 1-200 0.1-0.5 
2. Highly toxic 51-500 201-2000 0.5-2.0 

(b) Flammable Chemicals.—

(i) Flammable gases: chemicals which in the gaseous state at normal pressure and mixed with air become flammable and the boiling point of which at normal pressure is 20oC or below; 

(ii) Highly Flammable liquids: chemicals which have a flash point lower than 23oC and the boiling point of which at normal pressure is above 20oC; 

(iii) Flammable liquids: chemicals which have a flash point lower than 650C and which remain liquids under pressure, where particular processing conditions, such as high pressure and high temperature, may create major accident hazards. 

(c) Explosives.—

Chemicals which may explode under the effect of flame, heat or photochemical conditions or which are more sensitive to shocks or friction than dinitro-benzene. 

Part II 
List of Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals 

1. Acetone 
2. Acetone cyanohydrine 
3. Acetyl chloride 
4. Acetylein (Ethyne) 
5. Acrolein (2-properal) 
6. Acrylonitrile 
7. Aldicarb 
8. Aldrin 
9. Alkyl phthalate 
10. Allyl Alcohol 
11. Allylamine 
12. Alpha Naphthyl Thiourea (ANTU) 
13. Aminodiphenyl, -4 
14. Aminophenol-2 
15. Amiton 
16. Ammonia 
17. Ammonium Nitrate 
18. Ammonium Nitrates in fertilizers 
19. Ammonium sulfamate 
20. Anabasine 
21. Aniline 
22. Anisidine-p 
23. Antimony and compounds 
24. Antimony Hydride (Stibine) 
25. Arsenic Hydride (Arsine) 
31. Barium Azide 
32. Benzene 
33. Benzidine 
34. Benzidine Salts 
35. Benzoquinone 
36. Benzoyl Chloride 
37. Benzoyl Peroxide 
38. Benzyl Chloride 
39. Benzyl Cyanide 
40. Beryllium (Powders, Compounds) 
41. Biphenyl 
42. Bis (2-chloromethyl) Ketone 
43. Bis (2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenyl) Amine 
44. Bis (2-chloroethyl) Sulphide 
45. Bis (Chloromethyl) ether 
46. Bis (tert-Butylperoxy) Butane, -2,2 
47. Bis (tert-Butylperoxy) cyclohexane, 1,1 
48. Bis, 1,2 Tribromohenoxy-Ethane 
49. Bisphenol 50. Boron and compounds 
51. Bromine 
52. Bromine Pentafluoride 
53. Bromoform 
54. Butadiene-1, 3 55. Butane 
56. Butanone-2 
57. Butoxy Ethanol 58. Butylglycidal Ether 
59. Butyl peroxyacetate, tert 
60. Butyl peroxyisobutyrate, tert 
61. Butyl peroxyisopropyl carbonate, tert 
62. Butyl peroxymaleate, tert 
63. Bytyl peroxypivalate, tert 
64. Butyl vinyl ether 
65. Butyl-n-Mercaptan 
66. Butylamine 
67. C9 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Fraction 68. Cadmium and Compounds 
69. Cadmium oxide (fumes) 
70. Calcium Cyanide 
71. Captan 72. Captofol 
73. Carbaryl (Sevin) 74. Carborfuran 
75. Carbon Disulphide 76. Carbon Monoxide 77. Carbon Tetrachloride 78. Carbophenothion 79. Cellulose Nitrate 80. Chlorates (used in explosives) 81. Chlordane 82. Chlorfenvinphos 83. Chlorinated Benzenes 84. Chlorine 85. Chlorine Dioxide 86. Chlorine Oxide 87. Chlorine Trifluoride 88. Chlormequat Chloride 89. Chloroacetal Chloride 90. Chloroacetaldehyde 91. Chloroaniline, -2 92. Chloroaniline, -4 93. Chlorobenzene 94. Chlorodiphenyl 95. Chloroepoxypropane 96. Chloroethanol 97. Chloroethyl Chloroformate 98. Chlorofluorocarbons 99. Chloroform 100. Chloroformyl, -4, Morpholine 101. Chloromethane 102. Chloromethyl Ether 103. Chloromethyl Methyl Ether 104. Chloronitrobenzene 105. Chloroprene 106. Chlorosulphonic Acid 107. Chlorotrinitrobenzene 108. Chloroxoron 109. Chromium and Compounds 110. Cobalt and Compounds 111. Copper and Compounds 112. Coumafuryl 113. Comaphos 114. Coumatetralyl 115. Cresols 116. Crimidine 117. Cumene 118. Cyanophos 119. Cyanothoate 120. Cyanuric Fluoride 121. Cyclohexane 122. Cyclohexanol 123. Cyclohexanone 124. Cycloheximide 125. Cyclopentadiene 126. Cyclopentane 127. Cyclotetamethylenete-tranitramine 128. Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine 129. DDT 130. Decabromodiphenyl Oxide 131. Demeton 132. Di-Isobutyl Peroxide 133. Di-n-propyl peroxydicarbonate 134. Di-sec Butyl peroxdicarbonate 135. Dialifos 136. Diazodinitrophenol 137. Diazomethane 138. Dibenzyl Peroxydicarbonate 139. Dichloroacetylene-o 140. Dichloro-o-benzene-o 141. Dichlorobenzene-p 142. Dichloroethane 
143. Dichloroethyl Ether 
144. Dichlorophenol, -2, 4 
145. Dichlorophenol, -2, 6 
146. Dichlorophenboxy Acetic Acid, -2, 4 (2,4-D) 
147. Dichloropropane, -1,2 
148. Dichlorosalicylic Acid, -3, 5 
149. Dichlorvos (DDVP) 
150. Dicrotophos 
151. Dieldrin 
152. Diepoxybutane 
153. Diethyl Peroxydicarbonate 
154. Diethylene Glycol dinitrate 
155. Diethylene Triamine 
156. Diethyleneglycol Butyl Ether/Diethy-leneglycol Butyl Actate 
157. Diethylenetriamine (DETA) 
158. Diglycidyl Ether 
159. Dithydroperoxypropane, -2, 2 
160. Di-isobutyryl peroxide 
161. Dimefox 
162. Dimethoate 
163. Dimethyl Phosphramidocyanidic Acid 
164. Dimethy Phthalate 165. Dimethylcarbomyl 
166. Dimethylnitrosamine 
167. Dinitrophenol, Salts 168. Dinitrotoluene 
169. Dinitro-o-Cresol 170. Dioxane 
171. Dioxathion 172. Dioxolane 173. Diphacinone 174. Diphosphoramide Octamethyl 175. Dipropylene Glycolmethylether 176. Disulfoton 177. Endosulfan 178. Endrin 179. Epichlorohydrine 180. EPN 181. Epoxypropane, 1,2 182. Ethion 183. Ethyl carbamate 184. Ethyl Ether 185. Ethyl Hexanol, -2 186. Ethyl Mercaptan 187. Ethyl Methacrylate 188. Ethyl Nitrate 189. Ethylamine 190. Ethylene 191. Ethylene Chlorohydrine 192. Ethylene Diamine 193. Ethylene Dibromide 194. Ethylene Dichloride 195. Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate 196. Ethylene Oxide 197. Ethyleneimine 198. Ethylthiocyanate 199. Fensulphothion 200. Fluenetil 201. Fluoro,-4, -2-Hydroxybutyric Acid and Salts Esters, Amdes 202. Fluoracetic Acid and Salts, Esters, Amides 203. Fluorobutyric Acid, -4, and Salts, Esters, Amides 204. Fluorocortonic Acid, -4, Salts, Esters Amides 205. Formaldehyde 206. Glyconitrile (Hydroxyacetonitrile) 207. Guanyl, -1, -4-Nitrosaminoguynyl-1-Tetrazene 208. Heptachlor 209. Hexachloro Cyclopentadiene 210. Hexachlorocyclohexane 211. Hexachlorocyclomethane 212. Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 1,2,3,7,8,9 213. Hexafluoropropene 214. Hexamethylphosphoramide 215. examethyl, -3,3,6,9,9-1,2,4,5-Tetraoxacyclononane 216. Hexamethylenediamine 217. Hexane 218. Hexanitrostilbene, -2,2,4,4,6,6 219. Hexavalent Chromium 220. Hydrazine 221. Hydrazine Nitrate 222. Hydrochloric Acid 223. Hydrogen 224. Hydrogen Bromide (Hydrobromic Acid) 225. Hydrogen Chloride (Liquefied Gas) 226. Hydrogen Cyanide 227. Hydrogen Fluoride 228. Hydrogen Selenide 229. Hydrogen Sulphide 230. Hydroquinone 231. Iodine 232. Isobenzan 233. Isodrin 234. Isophorone Diisocyanate 235. Isopropyl Ether 236. Juglone (5-Hydroxynaphthalene-1, 4-Dione) 237. Lead (inorganic fumes & dusts) 238. Lead 2, 4, 6-Trinitroresorcinoxide (Lead Styphnate) 239. Lead Azide 240. Leptophos 241. Lindane 242. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 243. Maleic Anhydride 244. Manganese & Compounds 245. Mercapto Benzothiazole 246. Mercury Alkyl 247. Mercury Fulminate 248. Mercury Methyl 249. Methacrylic Anhydride 250. Methacrylonitrile 251. Methacryloyl Chloride 252. Methamidophos 253. Methanesuphonyl Fluoride 254. Methanthiol 255. Methoxy Ethanol 256. Methoxyethylmercuric Acetate 257. Methyl Acrylate 258. Methyl Alcohol 259. Methyl Amylketone 260. Methyl Bromide (Bromomethane) 261. Methyl Chloride 262. Methyl Chloroform 263. Methyl Cyclohexene 264. Methyl ethyl Ketone Peroxide 265. Methyl Hydrazine 266. Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 267. Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Peroxide 268. Methyl Isocyanate 269. Methyl Isothiocyanate 270. Methyl Mercaptan 271. Methyl Methacrylate 272. Methyl Parathion 273. Methyl Phosphonic Dichloride 274. Methyl-N, 2, 4, 6-Tetranitroaniline 275. Methylene Chloride 276. Methylenebis, -4, 4, (2, -chloroaniline) 277. Methyltrichlorosilane 278. Mevinphos 279. Molybdenum & Compounds 280. N-MethyI-N, 2, 4, 6-Tetranitroanaline 281. Naptha (Coal Tar) 282. Napthylamine, 2 283. Nickel & Compounds 284. Nickel Tetracarbonyl 285. Nitroaniline-o 286. Nitroaniline-P 287. Nitrobenzene 288. Nitrochlorobenzene-P 289. Nitrocyclohexane 290. Nitroethane 291. Nitrogen Dioxide 292. Nitrogen Oxides 293. Nitrogen Trifluoride 294. Nitroglycerine 295. Nitrophenol-P 296. Nitropropane-1 297. Nitropropane-2 298. Nitrosodimethylamine 299. Nitrotoluene 300. Octabromophenyl Oxide 301. Oleum 302. Oleylamine 303. OO-Diethyl S-Ethysulphonylmethyl 304. OO-Diethyl S-Ethylsulphonylmethyl Phosphorothioate 
305. OO-Dietyl S-Ethylthiomethyl Phos-phorothioate 
306. OO-Diethyl S-Isopropylthiomethyl Phosphorothioate 
307. OO-Diethyl S-propylthiomethyl Phos-phorodithioate 
308. Oxyamyl 309. Oxydisulfoton 
310. Oxygen (liquid) 
311. Oxygen Difluoride 312. Ozone 
313. Paroxon (diethyl 4-Nitrophenyl Phosphate) 
314. Paraquat 
315. Parathion 
316. Paris green 
317. Pentaborane 
318. Pentabromodiphenyl Oxide 
319. Pentabromophenol 
320. Pentachloro Napthalene 
321. Pentachloroethane 
322. Pentachlorophenol 
323. Pentacrythritol Tetranitrate 
324. Pentane 
325. Pentanone, 2, 4-Methyl 
326. Peradetic Acid 327. Perchloroethylene 
328. Perchlonomethyl Mercaptan 
329. Phenol 
330. Phenyl Glycidal Ether 
331. Phenylene p-Diamine 
332. Phenylmercury Acetate 
333. Phorate 
334. Phosacetim 
335. Phosalone 
336. Phosfolan 
337. Phosgene (carbonyl chloride) 
338. Phosmet 
339. Phosphamidon 
340. Phosphine (Hydrogen Phosphide) 
341. Phosphoric Acid and Esters 
342. Phosphoric Acid, Bromoethyl Bromo (2, 2-Dimethylpropyl) Bromoethyl Ester 
343. Phosphoric Acid, Bromoethyl Bromo (2, 2-Dimethylpropyl) Chloroethyl Ester 
344. Phosphoric Acid, Cloroethyl Bromo (2, 2-Dimethoxylpropyl Chloroethylester) 
345. Phosphorous & Compounds 
346. Phostalan 
347. Picric Acid (2,4,6-Trinitrophenol) 
348. Polybrominated Biphenyls 
349. Potassium Arsenite 
350. Potassium Chlorate 
351. Promurit (1-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl Triazenethiocarboxamide) 
352. Propanesultone-1, 3 
353. Propen-1, -2-Chloro-1,3-Diol-Diacetate 
354. Propylene Oxide 
355. Propyleneimine 
356. Pyrazoxon 
357. Selenium Hexafluoride 
358. Semicarbazide Hydrochloride 
359. Sodium Arsenite 
360. Sodium Azide 
361. Sodium Chlorate 
362. Sodium Cyanide 
363. Sodium Picramate 
364. Sodium Selenite 
365. Styrene, 1, 1, 3, 2,-Tetrachloroethane 
366. Sulfotep 
367. Sulphur dichloride 
368. Sulphur Dioxide 
369. Sulphur Trioxide 
370. Sulphuric Acid 
371. Sulphoxide, 3-Chloropropyloctyl 
372. Terllurium 
373. Tellurium Hexafluoride 
374. Tepp 
375. Tebufos 
376. Tetrabromobisphenol-A 
377. Tetrachloro, 2, 2, 5, 6, 2, 5- Cyclohexadiene-1, 4-Dione 
378. Tetrachlorodibenzo-p Dloxin, 2, 3, 7, 8 (TCDD) 
379. Tetraethyl Lead 
380. Tetrafluoroethane 
381. Tetramethylenedisulphotetramine 
382. Tetramethyl Lead 
383. Tetranitromethane 
384. Thallium & Compounds 
385. Thionazin 
386. Thinoyl Chloride 
387. Tirpate 388. Toluene 389. Toluene-2-4-Diisocyanate 
390. Toluidine-o 
391. Toluene 2, 6-Diisocyanate 
392. Trans-1, 4-dichlorobutene 
393. Tri-1 (cyclohexyl) Stannyl-H-1,2,3 Triazole 
394. Triamino, -1,3,5,2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene 
395. Tribromophenol, 2,4,6 
396. Trichloro Acetyl Chloride 
397. Trichloro Ethane 
398. Trichloro Napthalene 
399. Trichloro (Chloromethyl) Silane 
\400. Trichlorodichlorophenylsilane 
401. Trichloroethane, 1, 1,-1 
402. Trichloroethyl Silane 
403. Trichloroethylene 
404. Trichloromethanesulphenyl chloride 
405. Trichlorophenol, 2,2,6 
406. Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5 
407. Triethylamine 
408. Triethylenemelamine 
409. Trimethyl Chlorosilane 
410. Trimethylpropane Phosphite 
411. Trinitroaniline 
412. Trinitroanisole, 2,2,4,6 
413. Trinitrobenzene 
414. Trinitrobenzoic Acid 
415. Trinitrocresol 
416. Trinitrophenetole, 2,5,6 
417. Trinitroresorcinol, 2,4,6 (Styphnic Acid) 
418. Trinitrotoluene 
419. Triorthocresyl Phosphate 
420. Triphenyl Tin Chloride 
421. Turpentine 
422. Uranium & Compounds 
423. Vanadium & Compounds 
424. Vinyl Chloride 
425. Vinyl Fluoride 
426. Vinyl Toluene 
427. Warfarin 428. Xylene 
429. Xylidine 
430. Zinc & Compounds 
431. Zirconium & Compounds 

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 Schedule 2 [See rules 2(b), 2(e) and 2(g)] 

Sl. No. Chemicals Threshold Planning (Quantities (M.T) 1 2 3 

1. Acrylonitrile 350 
2. Ammonia 60 
3. Ammonium nitrate (c) 350 
4. Ammonium nitrate fertilizers (d) 1,250 
`5. Chlorine 10 
6. Flammable gases as defined in Schedule 1, Paragraph (b)(i) 50 7. Highly flammable liquids as defined in Schedule 1, Paragraph (b)(ii) 10,000 8. Liquid oxygen 200 9. Sodium chlorate 25 
10. Sulphur dioxide 20 
11. Sulphur trioxide 15 
12. Carbonyl chloride 0.750 
13. Hydrogen Sulphide 5 
14. Hydrogen fluoride 5 15. Hydrogen cyanide 5 16. Carbon disulphide 20 17. Bromine 50 18. Ethylene oxide 5 19. Propylene oxide 5 20. 2-Propenal (Acrolein) 20 21. Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 20 22. Methyl isocyanate 0.150 23. Tetraethyl Lead or tetramethy lead 5 24. 1,2 Dibromoethane (Ethylene dibromide) 5 25. Hydrogen chloride (liquefied gas) 25 26. Diphenyl methane di-isocyanate (MDI) 20 27. Toluene di-isocyanate (TDI) 10 Notes.—(a) The threshold quantities set out above relate to each installation or group of installations belonging to the same occupier where the distance between installations is not sufficient to avoid, in foreseeable circumstances, any aggravation of major accident hazards. These threshold quantities apply in any case to each group of installations belonging to the same occupier where the distance between the installations is less than 500 metres. (b) For the purpose of determining the threshold quantity of a hazardous chemical at an isolated storage, account shall also be taken of any hazardous chemical which is:— 
(i) in that part of any pipeline under the control of the occupier having control of the site, which is within 500 metres of that site and connected to it; 
(ii) at any other site under the control of the same occupier any part of the boundary of which is within 500 metres of the said site; and 
(iii) in any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft under the control of the same occupier which is used for storage purpose either at the site or within 500 metres of it; But no account shall be taken of any hazardous chemical which is in a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft and for transporting it. 
(c) This applies to ammonium nitrate and mixtures of ammonium nitrate where the nitrogen content derived from the ammonium nitrate is greater than 28 per cent by weight and to aqueous solutions of ammonium nitrate where the concentration of ammonium nitrate is greater than 90 per cent by weight.

(d) This applies to straight ammonium nitrate fertilizers and to compound fertilizers where the nitrogen content derived from the ammonium nitrate is greater than 28 per cent by weight (a compound fertilizer contains ammonium nitrate together with phosphate and/or potash). 

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 
Schedule 4 
[See rules 2(c) and 2(e)] 

1. Installations for the production, processing or treatment of organic or inorganic chemicals using for this purpose, among other: 
(a) alkylation 
(b) amination by ammonolysis 
(c) carbonylation 
(d) condensation 
(e) dehydrogenation 
(f) esterification 
(g) halogenation and manufacture of halogens 
(h) hydrogenation 
(i) hydrolysis 
(j) oxidation 
(k) polymerization 
(l) sulphonation 
(m) desulphurization, manufacture and transformation of sulphur containing compounds 
(n) nitration and manufacture of nitrogen containing compounds 
(o) manufacture of phosphorous containing compounds 
(p) formulation of pesticides and of pharmaceutical products 
(q) distillation 
(r) extraction 
(s) solvation 
(t) mixing 
2. Installation for distillation, refining or other processing of petroleum or petroleum products. 
3. Installations for the total or partial disposal of solid or liquid substances by incineration of chemical decomposition. 
4. Installations for production, processing or treatment of energy gases, for example, LPG, LNG, SNG. 
5. Installations for the dry distillation of coal or lignite. 
6. Installations for the production of metals or non-metals by a wet process or by means of electrical energy. 

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 
Schedule 5 
[See rule 3(2)] 
Composition of the Central Crisis Group 

(i) Secretary, Government of India Chairperson Ministry of Environment and Forests 
1[(ii) Additional Secretary, Government of India, Member] Ministry of Environment and Forests 
(iii) Joint Secretary (Labour) Member 
(iv) Joint Secretary/Adviser (Chemical and Petrochemicals) ” 
(v) Director-General, Civil Defence ” 
(vi) Fire Adviser, Directorate-General Civil Defence ”
(vii) Chief Controller of Explosives ” 
(viii) Joint Secretary (Deptt. of Industries) ” 
(ix) Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research ” 
(x) Joint Secretary (Health) ” (xi) Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board ” 
(xii) Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research ” 
(xiii) Director-General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ”
(xiv) 4 Experts (Industrial Safety and Health) (xv) Joint Secretary (Fertilizers) ” 
(xvi) Director-General (Telecom.) ” 
(xvii) 2 Representatives of Industries to be nominated by the Central Government ” 
(xviii) Joint Secretary (Surface Transport) ” 
(xix) General Manager (Rail Safety) ” 
(xx) Adviser, Centre for Environment and Explosive Safety ” 
(xxi) One Representative of Indian Chemical Manufacturers’ Association to be nominated by the Central Government ” 2
[(xxii) Joint Secretary, Ministry of Oil and Natural Gas ” 
(xxiii) Director-General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute ” 
(xxiv) Director-General, Nation, Safety Council, Mumbai ” 
(xxv) Joint Secretary/Advisor, Environment and Forests Member-Secretary.]
1. Subs. by G.S.R. 578(E), dated 9th September, 1998 (w.e.f. 14-9-1998). 
2. Ins. by G.S.R. 578(E), dated 9th September, 1998 (w.e.f. 14-9-1998). 

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 
Schedule 6 [See rule 6(2)] 
Composition of the State Crisis Group 

(i) Chief Secretary Chairperson 
(ii) Secretary (Labour) Member-Secretary 
(iii) Secretary (Environment) Member (iv) Secretary (Health) ” 
(v) Secretary (Industries) ” (vi) Secretary (Public Health Engg.) ” 
1[(vii) Chairman, State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee in case of Union Territories Member.] 
(viii) 4-Experts (Industrial Safety and Health) to be nominated by the State Government Member 
(ix) Secretary/Commissioner (Transport) ” 
(x) Director (Industrial Safety)/Chief Inspector of Factories ” 
(xi) Fire Chief ” 
(xii) Commissioner of Police ” 
(xiii) One Representative from the Industry to be nominated by the State Government ”
1.Subs. by G.S.R. 578 (E), 
dated 9th September, 1998 (w.e.f. 14-9-1998). 

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 
Schedule 7 [See rule 8] 
Composition of the District Crisis Group 

District Collector Chairperson Inspector of Factories 
Member-Secretary District 1[Emergency] 
Officer Member Chief Fire Officer ,, 
District Information Officer ” 
Controller of Explosives ” 
Chief, Civil Defence ” 
One Representative of Trade Unions to be nominated by the District Collector ” 
Deputy Superintendent of Police ” 
District Health Officer/Chief Medical Officer ” 
Commissioner, Municipal Corporations ” 
Representative of the Department of Public Health Engineering ” 
Representative of Pollution Control Board ” 
District Agriculture Officer ”

4 Experts (Industrial Safety and Health) to be nominated by the District Collector ” 
Commissioner (Transport) ” 
One Representative of Industry to be nominated by the District Collector ” 
Chairpersons/Member-Secretary of Local Crisis Groups ” 

The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 
Schedule 8 [See rule 8] 
Composition of the Local Crisis Group 

(i) Sub-divisional Magistrate/District Emergency Authority Chairperson 
(ii) Inspector of Factories Member- Secretary 
(iii) Industries in the District/Industrial area/Industrial pocket Member 
(iv) Transporters of Hazardous Chemicals (2 Numbers) ” 
(v) Fire Officer ” 
(vi) Station House Officer (Police) ” 
(vii) Block Development Officer ” 
(viii) One Representative of Civil Defence ” (ix) Primary Health Officer Member 
(x) Editor of Local Newspaper ” (xi) Community leader/Sarpanch/Village Pradhan nominated by Chairperson ” 
(xii) One Representative of Non-Government Organisation to be nominated by the Chairperson ” (xiii) Two Doctors eminent in the local area, to be nominated by Chairperson ” 
(xiv) Two Social Workers to be nominated by the Chairperson. ”
