Tamil Nadu - Employer Need to Submit National, Festival & Special Holiday Online

Tamil Nadu - Employer Need to Submit National, Festival & Special Holiday Online

Tamil Nadu state implemented online submission of Form I (Proposal for the specification of festival Holidays) and Form III approval issued by authority online under Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National, Festival And Special Holidays) Act, 1958 & Rules 1959.

This implementation with effect from 16th August 2020.

Authority shall not accept the hard copy of the application. 

Employer to create a User ID and Password in the labour portal - https://labour.tn.gov.in/

Also required the following details to proceed the same.

Employer SPOC mail ID , Mobile No., PAN and Aadhaar ( Residential address should be in Tamil Nadu ) 

1. Employer PAN and Aadhaar ( residential address should be in tamil nadu )
2 Holiday list color scan copy ( minimum 9 _ four national and five festival holidays )
3. Form II color scan copy ( format Attached )
4. Form S color scan copy ( format Attached )
5. lease agreement
6. incorporate certificate
7. Company PAN card

