Uttar Pradesh - Extension of Working Hours

Extension Of Working Hours For Factories In Uttar Pradesh

Due to pandemic of Covid-19 Government of India has declared lockdown and other stringent measures to fight against the pandemic resulting occurance of internal disturbance amounting to public emergency in the entire country including State of Uttar Pradesh.

Government of Uttar Pradesh vide notification no.No. 13 /2020/ 502 /XXXVI-03-2020- 30 (Sa.)/2020TC has exempted all factories registered under The Factories Act, 1948 in the state from the provision of Section 51 (Weekly Hour), Section 54 (Daily Hour), Section 55 (Interval Of Rest), Section 56 (Spread Hours), Section 59 (Extra wages for overtime) with effect from 20th April 2020 till 19th July 2020

Subject to aforesaid conditions,

(1) No adult worker shall be allowed or required to work in a factory for more than twelve hours in any day and Seventy-two hours in any week. 
(2) The periods of work of adult workers in a factory each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed six hours and that no worker shall work for more than six hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least half an hour. 
(3) Wages shall be in proportion of the existing wages. (e.g. If wages for eight hours are 80 Rupees, then proportionate wages for twelve hours will be 120 Rupees. Hence, employers having their factories in the state of Uttar Pradesh registered under the Act may avail the benefit of extended working hours allowed at their factories in adherence to the specific instruction issued hereinabove including payment of overtime wages
