The Factories (Haryana) Exempting Rules, 1980
Rule 1: Short Title, Extent and Commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Factories (Haryana) Exempting Rules, 1980
(2) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Haryana
(3) They shall come into force at once and shall remain in force for a period of five years from the date of their enforcement
(2) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Haryana
(3) They shall come into force at once and shall remain in force for a period of five years from the date of their enforcement
Rule 2: Definitions
(a) "Act" means the Factories Act, 1948
(b) "Chief Inspector" means the Chief Inspector of Factories, Haryana
(c) "Manager" means the person responsible to the occupier for the working of the factory for the purposes of the Act
(b) "Chief Inspector" means the Chief Inspector of Factories, Haryana
(c) "Manager" means the person responsible to the occupier for the working of the factory for the purposes of the Act
Rule 3: Persons holding positions of supervision or management
(1) The following persons in factories other than sugar factories shall be deemed to hold positions of supervision and management provided that they are not required to perform manual labour as a regular part of their duties:
(i) Manager (ii) General Manager (iii) Factory Manager (iv) Deputy Manager (v) Deputy General Manager (vi) Assistant Manager (vii) Assistant Factory Manager (viii) Labour Welfare Officer (ix) Chief Welfare Officer (x) Assistant Welfare Officer (xi) Heads of Technical Departments (xii) Engineers (xiii) Assistant Engineers (xiv) Foreman (xv) Electrical Maintenance Staff (xvi) Secretary To The Managing Agent (xvii) Personal Assistant To The Managing Agent (xviii) Personal Assistant To The General Manager (xix) Overseers (xx) Supervisors (xxi) Paper Makers incharge of the paper making section (xxii) Head Store Keepers (xxiii) Watch and Ward Officer/Staff (xxiv) Security and Asst Security Officer (xxv) Head Timekeeper or Timekeeper where there is no head timekeeper (xxvi) Line Superintendent (xxvii) Power House Superintendent (xxviii) Assistant Foreman (xxix) Meter Inspector (xxx) Telephone Supervisors (xxxi) Permanent Way Inspectors (xxxii) Chargemen (xxxiii) Medical Officer (xxxiv) Legal Officer (xxxv) Welfare Officer (xxxvi) Chief Draftsman (xxxvii) Head of Planning and Progress (xxxviii) Inspectors (xxxix) Laboratory Incharge (xl) Technicians (xli) Despatch Incharge (xlii) Tubewell Staff (xliii) Sweeping/Cleaning Staff (xliv) Any person employed solely in a supervisory capacity who in the opinion of the state government holds a position of supervision or management and is declared so in writing.
(2) The following persons shall be deemed to hold a position of supervision or management in sugar factories:
(i) General Manager (ii) Deputy General Manager (iii) Manager (iv) Cane Manager (v) Deputy Cane Manager (vi) Cane Superintendent (vii) Chief Chemist (viii) Labour Welfare Officer (ix) Chief Engineer (x) Secretary to the Managing Agent (xi) Personal Assistant to the General Manager (xii) Cane Development Officer (xiii) Secretary (xiv) Deputy Secretary (xv) Foreman (xvi) Workshop Incharge (xvii) Electrical Foreman (xviii) Store Purchase Officer/Head Store Keeper (xix) Deputy Chief Chemist (xx) Deputy Chief Engineer (xxi) Electrical Engineer (xxii) Chemist (xxiii) Laboratory Incharge (xxiv) Labour Superintendent (xxv) Labour Officer (xxvi) Legal Officer (xxvii) Watch and Ward Officer/Incharge Watch and Ward (xxviii) Medical Officer (xxix) General Secretary (xxx) Head Electrician (xxxi) Assistant Engineer/Shift Engineer (xxxii) Overseer Incharge (xxxiii) Transport Inspector Incharge (xxxiv) Assistant Manager (xxxv) Security Officer (xxxvi) Manufacturing Chemist (xxxvii) Supervisors (xxxviii) Civil Engineers (xxxix) Inspectors (xl) Cane Officer Incharge (xli) Time Keeper (xlii) Any person who in the opinion of the state government holds a position of supervision or management and is declared so in writing.
(i) Manager (ii) General Manager (iii) Factory Manager (iv) Deputy Manager (v) Deputy General Manager (vi) Assistant Manager (vii) Assistant Factory Manager (viii) Labour Welfare Officer (ix) Chief Welfare Officer (x) Assistant Welfare Officer (xi) Heads of Technical Departments (xii) Engineers (xiii) Assistant Engineers (xiv) Foreman (xv) Electrical Maintenance Staff (xvi) Secretary To The Managing Agent (xvii) Personal Assistant To The Managing Agent (xviii) Personal Assistant To The General Manager (xix) Overseers (xx) Supervisors (xxi) Paper Makers incharge of the paper making section (xxii) Head Store Keepers (xxiii) Watch and Ward Officer/Staff (xxiv) Security and Asst Security Officer (xxv) Head Timekeeper or Timekeeper where there is no head timekeeper (xxvi) Line Superintendent (xxvii) Power House Superintendent (xxviii) Assistant Foreman (xxix) Meter Inspector (xxx) Telephone Supervisors (xxxi) Permanent Way Inspectors (xxxii) Chargemen (xxxiii) Medical Officer (xxxiv) Legal Officer (xxxv) Welfare Officer (xxxvi) Chief Draftsman (xxxvii) Head of Planning and Progress (xxxviii) Inspectors (xxxix) Laboratory Incharge (xl) Technicians (xli) Despatch Incharge (xlii) Tubewell Staff (xliii) Sweeping/Cleaning Staff (xliv) Any person employed solely in a supervisory capacity who in the opinion of the state government holds a position of supervision or management and is declared so in writing.
(2) The following persons shall be deemed to hold a position of supervision or management in sugar factories:
(i) General Manager (ii) Deputy General Manager (iii) Manager (iv) Cane Manager (v) Deputy Cane Manager (vi) Cane Superintendent (vii) Chief Chemist (viii) Labour Welfare Officer (ix) Chief Engineer (x) Secretary to the Managing Agent (xi) Personal Assistant to the General Manager (xii) Cane Development Officer (xiii) Secretary (xiv) Deputy Secretary (xv) Foreman (xvi) Workshop Incharge (xvii) Electrical Foreman (xviii) Store Purchase Officer/Head Store Keeper (xix) Deputy Chief Chemist (xx) Deputy Chief Engineer (xxi) Electrical Engineer (xxii) Chemist (xxiii) Laboratory Incharge (xxiv) Labour Superintendent (xxv) Labour Officer (xxvi) Legal Officer (xxvii) Watch and Ward Officer/Incharge Watch and Ward (xxviii) Medical Officer (xxix) General Secretary (xxx) Head Electrician (xxxi) Assistant Engineer/Shift Engineer (xxxii) Overseer Incharge (xxxiii) Transport Inspector Incharge (xxxiv) Assistant Manager (xxxv) Security Officer (xxxvi) Manufacturing Chemist (xxxvii) Supervisors (xxxviii) Civil Engineers (xxxix) Inspectors (xl) Cane Officer Incharge (xli) Time Keeper (xlii) Any person who in the opinion of the state government holds a position of supervision or management and is declared so in writing.
Rule 4: Persons employed in confidential positions
The following persons shall be deemed to hold confidential positions in a factory:
(i) Stenographer attached to the Head of a Department
(ii) Office Superintendent
(iii) Head Clerk where there is no Office Superintendent
(iv) Head Munim where there is no Head Clerk or Office Superintendent
(v) Head Accountant or Accountant where there is no Head Accountant
(vi) Head Timekeeper or Timekeeper where there is no Head Timekeeper
(vii) Head Cashier/Cashier
(viii) Any other person who in the opinion of the State Government holds a confidential position and is so declared by it in writing
(i) Stenographer attached to the Head of a Department
(ii) Office Superintendent
(iii) Head Clerk where there is no Office Superintendent
(iv) Head Munim where there is no Head Clerk or Office Superintendent
(v) Head Accountant or Accountant where there is no Head Accountant
(vi) Head Timekeeper or Timekeeper where there is no Head Timekeeper
(vii) Head Cashier/Cashier
(viii) Any other person who in the opinion of the State Government holds a confidential position and is so declared by it in writing
Rule 5: Maintenance and exhibition of list of persons holding confidential position of supervisor or management
A list showing the names and designations of all persons employed in the factory to which the provisions of sub-section(1) of Section 64 have been applied shall be maintained and exhibited at a conspicuous place in the premises of each factory
Rule 6: Exemption of certain adult workers
Adult Workers engaged in factories specified in Column 2 of the Schedule given below on the work specified in Column 3 are exempted from the provisions of the sections specified in Column 4 subject to the conditions, if any, specified in Column 5 thereof and a notice to this effect showing the names of the workers to be employed shall be displayed at a conspicuous place in the factory and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Inspector and Chief Inspector