Exemption For Employers From Various Labour Laws In Madhya Pradesh

Exemption For Employers From Various Labour Laws In Madhya Pradesh

Government of Madhya Pradesh vide Gazette notification has provided an exemption to various laws such as Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Madhya Pradesh Rules, 1973, The Madhya Pradesh Factories Rules, 1962, The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, The Madhya Pradesh Industrial Relation Act, 1960, The Madhya Pradesh Shops and Establishment, Act 1958 in the state. Below are the brief extracts to the notification:-

  1. Various provisions under the Factories Act 1948 and Madhya Pradesh factory Rules,1962 have been exempted for three months, except section 6, 7, 8, section 21 to 41-H under chapter 4 about safety, section 59, section 65, section 67, section 79, section 88, section 112 and rules made thereunder
  2. Contract Labour license validity has been extended till the period of the contract
  3. Exemption from provisions of inspection of factories and recognizing third party inspection for non-hazardous category factories employing upto fifty workers. Such factories shall submit the certification carried out by a third party, authorised by the labour commissioner, Madhya Pradesh, to the inspector having jurisdiction before 31st January of every year.
  4. Industries of the states are exempted from the provisions of Industrial Disputes Act 1947 except Chapter V-A, Section 25-N,25-O,25-P,25-Q and 25-R of Chapter V-B for next one thousand days
  5. Exemption to major industries such as Garments, Iron and steel, Electrical goods, Sugar and its by-products, Cement, Electricity generation, Public motor transport, Engineering including the manufacture of Motor vehicle, potteries, chemical, leather tanneries, from Madhya Pradesh Industrial relations Act.
  6. Shops and establishment exemption to operate 24/7 has been suspended and no shops or commercial establishment situated in the local areas may open earlier than 06:00 A.M and be kept open later than 12:00 P.M. Please refer to the notification for detailed information.
