ePass Process at Madhya Pradesh
In Madhya Pradesh, one can apply for e-passes through online e-pass in Madhya Pradesh. Website- https://mapit.gov.in/ covid-19
1. Enter the above Web address and click on Apply E Pass.
2. Submit all requisite details and upload the docs. as required.
3. E Pass can be applied for Individual/ Establishment.
4. On submission of application an Application no. will be generated.
5. E Pass will be approved/rejected.
Following information/documents would be required in the process.
1. Employee’s Identity Card
2. Employee’s KYC details
3. Employee’s passport Photo 200Kb
4. Employee’s mobile number (alternate number) & email id
5. Company’s (i.e. PE) permission/approval letter as essential services categories from DM/SDM/IMC.
6. CLRA license (i.e. TL), if applicable else Company’s S&E registration (i.e. PE)
7. GST number, image of Company’s PAN
8. Company’s (i.e. PE) regional authorised person’s details (i.e. DOB, Designation, Mobile number, Email ID, Office & Residence address)
9. Self-declaration from regional authorised person
10. Request application stating the emergency or significant movement on the company's letter head specifying the areas.
The above site is self-explanatory about the process & getting online permission (subjective & by reserve discretion rights)