Coronavirus - Maharashtra Guidelines for Corporates & Establishments

Coronavirus - Maharashtra Guidelines for Corporates and Establishments

Work from Home

BMC had asked Corporates and establishments to function by allowing only 50% of their usual staff to attend office on any day, Please find the detail below 

No.MGCIA/2873, dtd. 17.03.2020


WHEREAS the Government of Maharashtra, in exercise of the power conferred under section 2,3 &4 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 has framed Regulations for prevention and containment of COVID-19 under No. Corona 2020/ CR/58/ Aarogya-5 dated 13th March 2020.
AND WHEREAS under rule 10 of the said Regulation, the Municipal Commissioner is authorized to take any measures as directed by the Public Health Department, Govt. of Maharashtra for containment of COVID-19,

I, Praveen Pardeshi, Municipal Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, in exercise of said powers conferred upon me hereby direct under rule 10 of the said Regulation to implement the following containment measures in the City of Mumbai.

  1. Restricting the vehicular movement in the areas of Isolation Centres, Quarantine Centres declared by MCGM like Kasturba Hospital, KEM Hospital, Seven Hills Hospital. 
  2. Closure of schools,cinema halls, swimming pools, gyms. Malls / Mill compound, Spa Centres, Clubs, Pubs, Discotheques, SGNP, Amusement Parks, etc. and banning mass congregations, functions. 
  3. All non-essential service providing offices including private and public companies. Corporates and establishments to function by allowing only 50% of their usual staff to attend office on any day. However, following establishments providing essential services shall be excluded 
  • Providing drinking water
  • Providing sewerage service
  • Providing banking services, and 
  • RBI Providing telephone and internet services 
  • Providing rail and transportation services
  • Providing food, vegetable, groceries 
  • Hospitals, Medical centres, Medical stores
  • Electricity, Petroleum, Oil, Energy
  • Media
  • Port 
4. Asstt. Commissioners and Police to issue advisory to people, not to gather in masses at sea beaches and public places. 
5. Private sector Companies and Public Sector companies to encourage all their staff to work
from home. 
6. Spitting on any public place, premises, road will attract a fine of Rs. 1000/-. Ward Offices
Sanitary staff and Police are hereby directed to enforce this punishment strictly.

Asst. Commissioners of the wards and Zonal Dy. Municipal Commissioners of MCGM are hereby authorised to take all necessary actions for implementation of the above measures. Failure to obey these orders shall be penalized under section 188 of I.P.C.

Municipal Commissioner
