Minimum Wages Notification West Bengal Jan-June 2020

Minimum Wages for Confectionery and Sweets Manufacturing in West Bengal

Circular No -  314/726/Stat/2RW/52/2016/LCS/JLC

The State Government of West Bengal on December 27, 2019, has fixed the minimum rates of wages in the employment of Confectionery and Sweets Manufacturing. These rates will be effective for the period from January 01, 2020 to June 30, 2020.

Categories of Employees
Monthly Minimum Rates of Wages (Rs.)
Zone A (Rs.)
Zone B (Rs.)
8,349.00 (Daily 321.00)
7,307.00 (Daily 281.00)
9,185.00 (Daily 353.00)
8,035.00 (Daily 309.00)
10,104.00 (Daily 389.00)
8,840.00 (Daily 340.00)
Highly Skilled
11,113.00 (Daily 427.00)
9,725.00 (Daily 374.00)

The classification of employees is as follows:

  1. Unskilled workers: Helper, Cleaner, Service Man, Peon, Security Guard, Sweeper.
  2. Semi-skilled workers: Assistant Mistry, Assistant Karigar, Assistant Cook, Assistant Haluikar.
  3. Skilled workers: Sweet-maker, Mistry, Karigar, Cook, Haluikar, Clerk, Cashier.
  4. Highly Skilled Workers: Manager.
  • A normal working day shall consist of eight and half hours of work including interval for half-an-hour for rest.
  • One day in any period of 7 days shall be the day of weekly rest. Further, the minimum rates of wages include the wages for weekly day of rest.
  • The minimum rates of wages are applicable to employees employed by contractors also. For disabled persons minimum rates of wages shall be same as payable to the workers of appropriate category.
  • The men and women employees shall get the same rates of wages for the same work or work of similar nature.
