Notification No. ERTS(E)36/2019/8
Meghalaya Bonded Warehouse (Amendment) Rules, 2019
The State Government of Meghalaya on December 05, 2019, has published the Meghalaya Bonded Warehouse (Amendment) Rules, 2019 to further amend the Meghalaya Excise Rules (Assam Excise Rules 1945) as adapted and amended by Meghalaya.
Under Rule 41 which talks about exemption from the payment of duty on export of India-made foreign liquor, sub-rule (ii) has been inserted, namely: All Bonded warehouses shall deposit the Advalorem or Excise duty on all the wholesome existing stock in the godown that was imported on payment of Import pass fee or Transport pass fee and Literage fee within a period of six months from the date of Notification.