Maharashtra State Certificate in Information Technology

Maharashtra State Certificate in Information Technology

Registration Process- 2019

Important Instructions for Applicant Organization (AO)

  1. Applicant Organization (AO) should read all the instructions and process details before application process.
    • Applicant Organization (AO) can apply for MKCL’s KLiC Center Registration Process (NCR) at his/her desired location.
    • AO has to decide this location depend on the business potential of that area & presence of Existing MKCL Centers in that area.
    • MKCL will check, verify & give the recommendation for the applied AO’s location based on following factors:
      1. Existing MKCL Centers presence in that area
      2. Existing MKCL Centers business catchment area
      3. Business potential of that area
    • If Applicant Organization (AO) got MKCL recommendation for proposed AO location then it does not mean that they become MKCLs Authorized Learning Center for KLiC Course.
  2. MKCL will finalize open area (Business Potential Area) & their recommendation based on market potential in specific area. MKCL reserves right to add/edit/delete Business Potential Area from time to time without giving any reason.
  3. Applicant Organizations (AO) request to add any additional Business Potential Area will not be considered in any condition.
  4. If any Applicant Organization (AO) will try to contact in some unauthorized way to MKCL by in person, email, letter, telephone, etc. then we will reject application of Applicant Organization (AO) without giving any reason. AO should contact to the appropriate network partner which will communicated by MKCL by time to time.
  5. Applicant Organization (AO) should complete registration process within schedule. If any Applicant Organization (AO) will not complete the process within schedule then we will not consider their application for further process.
  6. AO has to pay registration fee and other requisite fee communicated by MKCL.
  7. MKCL will communicate the eligible AOs to prepare the center setup. If any AO will prepare the setup prior to our communication then we will not be responsible for any financial or other investment loss.
  8. If, at the time of center visit, eligible AO’s center setup is not as per the norms specified by MKCL, then we will reject the application of AO from this process. In this case MKCL will not be responsible for any financial or other investment loss.
  9. If the location provided by the AO at the time of application is different than the location at the time of center visit, then we will reject the application of such AO.
  10. Authorization as MKCL’S KLiC CENTER shall be given subject to completion of all the prescribed procedural formalities, submission of all the requisite documents & generation of ALC Code.
  11. MKCL will not refund any amount (such as Processing fee, Registration Fee etc.) once AO became MKCL’S KLiC CENTER & his/her ALC code is generated.
  12. In case AO get rejected or want to withdraw in between the MKCL’s KLiC Center Registration Process (before ALC code get generated), then their applicable refund amount will be processed within 3 to 4 months from the date of withdrawing from the registration process.
  13. Those Applicant Organization (AO) who will become ALC:
    • ALC’s authorization period will be valid for one year i. e. the period of 12 months starting from the date of generation of ALC code.
    • For example if ALC code is generated on 1st January 2019 then the authorization period will be from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019.
    • ALC can renewed his/her authorization for next one year by paying requisite renewal fee & fulfillment of other required criteria’s.
  14. MKCL reserves the right of granting and/or rejecting authorization to any applicant/s, without assigning any reason/s whatsoever to anyone.

MKCL’s KLiC Center Registration Process- 2019

Terms and Conditions for Applicant Organization (AO)

We, Applicant Organization (AO) understand and agree that –

  1. The location of the proposed Center shall be fixed only in the specific location as selected by us and the selected location shall not be changed by us anytime during, and subsequent to the ALC Registration Process. We will not have any objection in case of rejection on the basis of location or any other reason.
  2. To visit the website on regular basis to know about information/guidelines/norms/schedule prescribed by MKCL on website from time to time.
  3. MKCL will use contact & other details for any other promotional or business related activities.
  4. MKCL reserves the right-
    • To modify the terms and conditions of the ALC Registration Process without any prior notice and MKCL shall not be liable to anyone for any such modification/s;
    • To discontinue/postpone the ALC Registration Process (or any part thereof) with/without prior notice and MKCL shall not be liable to anyone for any such discontinuation/postponement;
    • Of granting and/or rejecting authorization to any applicant/s, without assigning any reason/s whatsoever to anyone.
  5. In case we are granted authorization-
    • we are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and login account given by MKCL and fully responsible for all activities that occur thereunder;
    • we shall abide by the various Rules, Regulations, Code of Conduct, Guidelines, Communications, Norms issued and specified by MKCL from time to time.
    • We cannot run any competitive courses. Also we will not do any under cutting in fees or clubbing of other courses. If we involve in doing any such malpractice then our authorization will get cancelled/terminated immediately without any prior notice.
  6. All the disputes or differences, if any, prior and/or subsequent to authorization (if granted) shall be referred to the courts in Pune, which shall be the courts having the jurisdiction to entertain and try the same.
  7. Membership of other union-

Performance Criteria:

KLiC ALC has to complete minimum Performance Criteria for Exclusive KLiC ALC for the entire year 2019 is as follow:
Criteria-: KLiC Course Admission Target:
Each KLiC ALC has to complete minimum KLiC admission target for the year 2019 as follow to get eligible for the KLiC Center Renewal Process for the year 2020:
  • City (Urban/Semi Urban) Area center: 50 Admissions.
  • Rural Area center: 25 Admissions
Important Instruction: If Exclusive KLiC ALC involved in doing any practice/s regarding MS-CIT course, then their authorization will get cancelled/terminated immediately without any prior notice.
