Wages Protection System - The Kerala Minimum Wages (Amendment) Rules, 2015

The Government of Kerala had amended the Minimum Wages Act, July 2015, incorporating a system called Wage Protection System. As per the said system, wage details of the employees need to be updated 3 days prior to disbursement of their salary. For registering under the system, bank details of the company have to submitted to the Labour Officer and a NOC to the bank. The companies have to open an account in the attached banks through which the salary to the employees has to be transferred.

Government of Kerala
Labour and Skills Department
Notification No-  G.O. No. 84/2015/I.BR
Date - 8 July 2015

S. R. O. No. 458/2015 - In exercise of the power conferred by the clause b of sub-section 2 of Section 30 of Minimum Wages Act 1948, Government of Kerala after considering the suggestion received from draft proposal published as Notification No. 35/EI/2015/I.BR dated 9th April 2015, in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinarily No 830 dated 13 April 2015, as requested under sub section 1 of Section 30 of the said Act, hereby make the following rule further to Amend the Kerala Minimum Wages Rules, 1958 namely :- 

1. Short title & commencement - 
(1) These rules may be called Kerala Minimum Wages (Amendment) Rules, 2015
(2) They shall come into force at once 



Wages Protection Systemis an electronic salary transfer system that allows employer to pay wages  to his employee 
Website: wps.lc.kerala.gov.in 

1.  Login
1)If the Employer has already created their user name pass word then by using that username and password, employer can login to the WPS system. After login to the WPS, intimation SMS will be sent to the registered mobile phone of the employer. 2)If the employer has not created username and password for the WPS, then enter online registration number both as username and password for the first time, log in to WPS, and redirected to new registration page. Where they  1.Enter a valid user name. 2.Enter  Password, confirm password by re-entering the same password. 3. If warning message appears for ‘Update Mobile number, you should contact labour office for mobile number updation and repeat the above step for new username creation. 3)Before you go for ‘forgot password’ option please update /register your email id on labour office. If you forgot your password in WPS then click the ‘forgot password’ link in the login page and enter your online registration number in the displayed field and click on ‘Reset password’ option. After that go to your registered email and click the link for resetting the password. 2.Your Establishment details 1) This page gives your establishment’s basic details. 2) Please verify the details and if any change is needed then please contact to your labour office or concerned officers. 3) Please read the instruction/message/note for effective usage of the application. 3.Employee details 1) By clicking this menu you can enter the details of your employees. 2) Pointing * are mandatory fields , should enter properly to avoid improper transactions. 3) After adding details of each, Click ‘Add’ Button .After the success full insertion it will be loaded in the below  table. 4) If you need to edit any details, click on the employee details listed in the table below.After editing the details hit the update button for successful updation.
5) For terminating of any employee, select employee from table and enter the reason for termination. Click terminate button for termination.
4.Wage Upload 1) Select your wage type, then the next salary’s start date and end date will automatically loaded below. If you are first time user , specify  start date and end date properly. 2) Then choose the excel sheet that you prepared for the month and click the upload button. 3) If any warnings shown as mismatch, verify your Excel salary sheet as per the warnings listed. 4) You can view the uploaded salary sheet by clicking ‘View Excel’ listed on below table. 5)  Uploaded details will be listed on the table and select the required wage details for deleting/locking .Click the lock button for locking the wage upload and move to the next stage. 6) By clicking ’Delete’ Button you can delete the uploaded wage details. 5.Wage Calculation 1) On reaching Wage Calculation page, select wage type and wage from wages (uploaded/new) for locking, verify the wages and make updations if any. Then click the save button if any changes made in wages or click the lock button. 2) A delete button is also provided for deleting the wages. 3) On successful lock on Wage Calculation, the page will be redirected to the wage transfer page. 4)If the wage is entered manually, without upload, then select wage type and enter the wages of each employee. 5)After verification save the salary details. The saved salary can be selected from the list ‘wages(uploaded/new) for locking ‘ and lock the wages. After locking it will be redirected to wage transfer page. 6.Wage transfer 1) Select salary entry that you want to transfer, click ‘verify salary’ for viewing employees details like bank details and individual salary. 2)After verifying the details click on ‘Transfer salary’. 3) An OTP will be send to your mobile for security verification, enter the OTP  in the field provided , click confirm button for Salary Transfer.
3) On Successful Transfer of salary, PDF report will be generated for verification.
7. Other payments (Advance, bonus ,arrear (Earnings only)etc) 1) Select Current date for the other payment upload. 2) Then choose the Excel sheet that you prepared for the other payments and click save button. 3) If any warnings are shown verify your Excel salary sheet as per the warnings. 4) You can view uploaded salary sheet by clicking ‘View Excel’ listed on below table. 5) Once you have uploaded, it will be displayed on the table below. Select the details from the below table and click ‘Confirm Payment’ button for moving to the Wage transfer. 6) Using ‘Delete’ button you can delete the wage upload entry. 8.Withheld Salary
1) Select attendance and click ‘View’ button, Then Salary Details will listed below 2) Select the employee names that you need to withhold by ticking the tick box, shown below the withheld option, then click Confirm Button.
9. Withheld Wage Transfer 1) This Option helps you to transfer the salary of employees that once you withheld. 2) For that select attendance and click ‘Verify Salary’, if details shown below are correct then click transfer salary 3)An OTP will be sent to your mobile for security verification, enter the security code that you got in the field provided , press confirm button for Salary Transfer. 4) On Successful Transfer of salary, ‘Wage Transfer Details of Employees’ loaded on to your PC.
10. Employee bank details Updation 1)Here is the facility to update the employees bank details such as account number, bank name and IFSC code. Enter the employee Code on the field and Click ADD Button. 2)Then make entry of the employee’s bank credentials and click on Verify Button. 3)After verify button the details will be displayed again and you can verify the details and if there is any change press the cancel button for correcting the details. If everything is OK, press Update Button.
4)Then an OTP will be send to your registered mobile ,enter the OTP that you got, in the field provided , press ‘Confirm Update’ Button.
5) Maximum of 20 employee’s bank details can be updated with single OTP. 6) Employee bank updation is limited to 3 times per day.
11. Previous Salary 1) Usage of this provision is that, you can assign the previous month salary details to this current month if there is no change in the salary. 2)For this,  please select the previous salary period from ‘Previous Salary’  option and Click ‘assign salary’ button 3) After Verification Click on Lock button, You will be directed to Wage transfer facility.
12. Salary Slip 1) Select the wage and by clicking ‘Generate Salary Slip’ button, salary slip as PDF will be generated for viewing/printing etc. 2)  Also you can generate Salary Slip for individual employees by entering employee code.
13. Designation Mapping 1)Here, you can assign designations to the employees. For that select your establishment, and then select designation from the given list that you want to assign. 2)Then select employees by  ticking,  on the right end. You can assign more employees at the same time, if more employees has the same designation. 3) Once you  selected the designation and employees , Click ‘Assign Designation Button’.
14. Bank File Comparison 1) Here you are getting the Transfer status of your salary with respect to the bank statement. 2) A link will be available at right end, if the bank processing is completed 3)By clicking it an excel report will be generated. In this report you can verify the bank statement, which include status of transaction and transaction id. 4)If there is a failed transaction, reason for failure will be available in the bank statement.
15.Reports 1) Wage Report 2) Wage history 3) Termination report 4) Employees bank details
16.Administration 1) Change Password 1.This facility enables you to change your current password. For that enter the current password , and the desired new one. 2.Press 'Submit' Button . 2) User management 1.Employer can create users if needed. By setting a username, password and re-entering same password in confirm password field. 2.Set the Active option as 'Active'. 3.These newly created usernames will not have admin permission such as wage transfer etc. NB: Field marked * are mandatory fields, should enter properly.
