Union Labour Minister Bandaru Dattaterya said that Indian labour laws have been amended according to the International labour laws.
Addressing a press conference here on Saturday, Dattatreya said that according to the 138th and 182nd provisions of the International Labour laws, Indian Labour laws are being amended. He informed that a total of 169 nations all over the world accepted the 138th provision of the International Labour laws, which stipulates the norms for the employment. Now, by amending this provision, India becomes the 170th nation, he said.
The Union Minister stressed that the nation was on the mission to eradicate the child labor which is prevalent from the long back.
Dattatreya also informed that the Labour Ministry has been working towards providing ESIC benefits to the EPFO pensioners. With this, pensions of EPFO could utilize the medical facilities of 1400 dispensaries and 150 hospitals of ESIC. He expressed his happiness over the setting up of Centre for Integrated Rural Development for Asia-Pacific. He also said that as per the Supreme Court order, interest would be paid to the EPFO beneficiaries whose contribution is more than Rs. 6,000 per month.