Notifications by Government
Draft Amendments to the Tamil Nadu Motor Transport Workers' Rules
[G.O. Ms. No. 61, Labour and Employment (H1), 28th May 2019} No. SRO A-18/2019.—The following draft amendments to the Tamil Nadu Motor Transport workers' Rules, 1965, which is proposed to be made in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 40 of the Motor Transport workers Act, 1961 (central Act 27 of 1961), is hereby published for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby as required under sub-section (1) of Section 40 of the said Act. 2. Notice is hereby given that the following draft amendments will be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of six weeks from the date of publication of this notification in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette and that any objection or suggestion which may be received from any person with respect thereto, before the expiry of the aforesaid period, will be considered by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Objection or suggestion, if any, should be addressed induplicate to the Secreatry to Government, Labour and Employment Department, Fort St. George, chennai-600 009, through the commissioner of Labour, chennai-600 006.
Draft Amendments
In the said Rules,
(1) in rule 4, (a) in sub-rule (1) for the expression "Chief Inspector'' the expression "Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement) concerned having jurisdication over the head office of the Motor Transport undertaking'' shall be substituted; (b) in sub-rule (5), for the expression ''Chief Inspector'' wherever it occurs, the expression ''Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement) concerned having jurisdication over the head office of the Motor Transport under taking'' shall be substituted;
(2) in rule 5, in sub-rule (2), for the expression ''Chief Inspector'' the expression ''Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement) concerned having jurisdiction over the head office of the Motor Transport under taking'' shall be substituted;
(3) in rule 7, in sub-rule (1), the expression “Chief Inspector or” shall be omitted;
(4) in rule 8, in second proviso, the expression “Chief Inspector or the” shall be omitted;
(5) in rule 11,-
(a) in sub-rule (1), the expression “Chief Inspector and the” shall be omitted;
(b) in sub-rule (2), the expression “Chief Inspector or the” shall be omitted;
(6) For the expressions “Inspector of Labour”, “Inspectors of Labour” wherever it occurs in the said Rules and forms, the expressions “Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement)”, Assistant Commissioners of Labour (Enforcement)”, shall be substituted respectively;
(7) For Form No.Il, the following Form shall be’ substituted.
Form No. II
[See rule 5 of the Tamil Nadu Motor Transport workers’ Rules, 1965.]
Form of certificate of registration issued under sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Motor Transport workers’ Act, 1961
(central Act 27 of 1961)
Registration No. Fee Rs.
certificate of Registration is hereby granted to (name of the employer) to operate motor transport services known as.............................................................................................................employing not more than..............................persons on any one day during the year subject to the provisions of the Motor Transport workers’ Act, 1961 (central Act 27 of 1961), and the rules made thereunder.
This certificate of registration hereby issued shall remain in force for a period of two calendar years.
Assistant Commissioner of Labour
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Date of
Amount of Fees paid.
Date of Expiry.
Signature of the
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement).
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Date of
Nature of Amendment.
Amount of Fees paid and date
Signature of the
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement)
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Date of
Name of the Transferer.
Name of the Transferee.
Reason for the Transfer.
Amount of Fees paid and date.
Signature of the Assistant
Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement).