Aadhaar seeding and Implementation of e-services of Haryana Labour Welfare Board

Haryana - Labour Welfare Board
Aadhaar seeding and Implementation of e-services of Haryana Labour Welfare Board

Gravity of the Subject Matter
The e- services of the department and boards were launched by Hon’ble CM on 19.01.2017. The review meeting was held under the Chairmanship Addl. PSCM on dated 20.03.2017.  Consequent on briefing the Hon’ble CM Haryana, it has been ordered that seeding of Industrial workers data with AADHAAR must be completed before 31.05.2017. Hence this workshop to engage all the Officers/Officials of the Labour Wing
The Haryana Labour Welfare Board, came into existence on 15-01-1970 vide Section 4 of the Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965. As per the Act (ibid), the main purpose of the board is to provide for the constitution of a Fund for the financing of activities to promote welfare of labour in the State of Haryana and for conducting such activities and for certain other purposes. 

Contribution: - In January 2002, new section i.e. 9A was inserted in the Act (ibid) vide which provision was made to collect the contribution from the employer as well employee to augment funds of the Board. The rates of contribution prevailing from time to time are given below:-

Re.1/- Rs. 2/- April 2007 to March 2012 Rs.5/- Rs.10/- April 2012 to till date Rs. 10/- Rs.20/-

Employee Contribution 
(per month)
Employer Contribution
(Per month)
January 2002 to March 2007
Rs. 1/-
Rs. 2/-
April 2007 to March 2012
April 2012 to till date
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 20/-

The mandate of the Labour Department along with its associated two Welfare Boards is to ensure the safety, health and welfare of the workers, which are statutory rights.
To ensure the wide and effective reach of benevolent measures of the Haryana Welfare Boards to the industrial workers, it is necessary that their basic data like their working organisation details, ESI, EPF Nos. etc.  is available with the Board.
Therefore, e- services have been lunched to capture this data.

Haryana Labour Welfare Board

·         The users who have just commenced their business establishment or who have still not come on board shall register as new users

Employer Portal (only use for not Registered User)
e-Services → Factories Act/ Shops Act
First “Factory/shop owner” user click on e-services select “Factory Act/Shop Act etc. and read all instruction.
Click on Check Box button and Submit   Search Factory/Shop Name/ Email /Application Id and click on submit button.
Based upon the search results, the user have to decide by applications of his mind whether any result matches with his business unit’s credentials.
If yes, he can get his user login ID and password and start the next process of one time verification of e-mail, mobile, AADHAAR etc. and update the workers data.
The e-mail ID shown in the search result is his user login ID and password can be obtained by using forget password option or from the technical support mail of the department at mail.hrylabour@gmail.com
If No, the user proceeds to fill in as new data
By Filling the new BIP you are hereby declaring that name of the factory does not already exist in the Database of the Department

Once the data is submitted as new user, the automation is done to check duplicity of the credentials of the user based upon matching the name, address, and district, mobile, e-mail etc. etc.
In case of distinct credential the system allows him to register immediately otherwise put the data in buffer for human interface of the department.

In case of shop and Commercial Establishment, the concerned LI and in case of Factories/ BOCW, the concerned  Assistant Directors have been provided in their respective departmental logins to either reject or accept such buffer applications by applying his mind and if necessary making telephonic conversation with the user.
The already registered or newly registered may start working by using their user login ID and password
Employer Portal (only use for Registered User
User Login- Establishment owner shall be able to login
User Type- Select User Type as “Factory Owner/ Shop Owner”
Enter Login Detail- Registered email id and Password
Enter Captcha Code  Click Login
Employer Portal (only use for Registered User)
In case of forget password, User can reset the password by clicking “Forget Password”.
The already registered users / old user, who visit the website and login first time after 14.12.2016, when these new e-services were put to public use, are mandatorily required to verify their e-mail, mobile and AADHAAR if user update basic profile information in BIP.
In some of the user’s login mobile may be displayed as 0
Which is because in earlier version of eservices mobile wouldn't have been filled or
User may feel that I no longer use this mobile/e-mail or it belonged to my agent who has left now.
The user can change both of these i.e. mobile and/or e-mail by updating his information in BIP along with AADHAAR.
The e-mail/ mobile to be updated must be unique in our database and these updations would have to be verified once.
The one mobile can be used in case a particular occupier has more than one business unit and give same AADHAAR.

Link - Manual
